Bubblegum Milkshakes and Father’s Day – Living Arrows 24/52

It was another relatively quiet weekend for us. We popped into Woking to do a bit of shopping and took Mr H out for an early Father’s Day lunch. We tried a new place called Burgerbox where the boys had THE biggest bubblegum milkshakes you have ever seen! If you saw my IG stories you’ll have seen me talk about the lady who was sat on the table next to us with her family. She rolled her eyes at me (I don’t think she realised I was looking) and moaned to her husband that I was taking photos of “everything” Not quite sure why she felt the need to judge but it didn’t stop me. I take photos of the boys all the time because I want to capture our everyday moments and celebrate their childhood. This is the reason I decided to join in with the Living Arrow linky so I will have all these posts to look back on in years to come to see how much they’ve grown and to remind myself of the sorts of everyday things we got up to.


We spent Sunday (Father’s Day) at home, the boys and Mr H spent the majority of the day playing games and watching TV while I caught up with housework. I cooked roast pork for our dinner and although the day wasn’t very exciting, it was just nice to have some downtime together.

I’m sharing weekly photos of the boys to celebrate their childhood and linking up to the Living Arrows linky

You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth
Khalil Gibran

Living Arrows

Read my previous Living Arrows posts

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