
IKEA & Birthday shopping – Living Arrows 21/52

It was another busy week for us last week. E turned 9 on Wednesday. We bought him some more LEGO tanks and also Cluedo as he’s gotten into playing board games over the last year. He wanted to try Yo! Sushi for his birthday meal as he’d never been before. The boys loved watching the plates go around on the conveyor belt and wanted to try everything!


Saturday, we popped into IKEA before heading to a friends house for a barbecue and on Sunday we went birthday shopping for me for a new pair of trainers and sandals.


We also had a look around for some new furniture ideas when M decided to make himself comfortable on a sunlounger in West Elm!


I’m sharing weekly photos of the boys to celebrate their childhood and linking up to the Living Arrows linky

You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth
Khalil Gibran

Living Arrows

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4 thoughts on “IKEA & Birthday shopping – Living Arrows 21/52”

  1. I’ve literally only been to an IKEA twice in my life ha, they don’t exist in Cornwall, I keep meaning to drive to the one in Exeter though which opening last year. It seems mad that he’s 9 now! Honestly where does that time go?!

    Stevie x

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