
Life under lockdown: Week 1

I want to document our life during this lockdown period due to COVID-19 pandemic, somewhere to jot down thoughts, feelings and generally how our family is coping with life under lockdown…

Week beginning Monday 23 March, 2020

It’s been such a surreal couple of weeks, we’ve gone from commuting daily to work and going to school to now spending all our time together at home. I was a little nervous about how the first week of us all at home would go as it marked the start of the boy’s homeschooling life. They’ve been really good and have understood that although they are at home, they have school work to do during the day.

It’s been tough juggling work and homeschooling, but I think this will hopefully settle down as we all get used to the new routine.


We have been starting our day with a daily Joe Wicks workout which we all do together as a family. After that, the boys have half an hour in the garden while Mr H and I make a start our working day by answering emails. Our dining room table is the hub of our work during the day. The boys follow a loose timetable of lessons with a 15-minute break around 11am, lunch at 1pm and the end of school around 3.30pm. It’s been going well so far, and the boys seem to have adjusted well.

We’ve not ventured outside much as the boys have been spending time in the garden playing football and rugby, but we did take a walk around the block on Friday, and it was eerily quiet. We spotted lots of rainbows in windows which really cheered us up, and M posted a letter to his school friends.

Food-wise, we’ve managed to get by on bits we have at home as well as few top-up shops from our local Sainsburys and Iceland. We are also using Gousto for our dinners during the week. Mr H and I used them regularly before lockdown, so we have just added the boys onto it, and it means I don’t have to spend time meal planning.

Our first weekend in lockdown was spent playing games, watching Saturday Night Takeaway which the boys love and playing MarioKart online with friends while chatting to them via a group WhatsApp. It’s certainly not how we imagined our lives to be, but we do have to try and make the most out of the situation.

So far, we seem to all be adapting well to the change and are not going stir crazy just yet – I am sure that will change in time though.

Read my other Life under Lockdown posts:

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