Knowing me, knowing you – it’s all about the baby of the family


The second for this blog series (you can read the first here) and it seems apt that I write about M. I can’t quite believe he is two today! Where did the time go? He is no longer a baby anymore…


Little monkey M was born 10 days early and was in a real hurry to enter our world. After having laboured for 27 hours with E, I had an emergency c-section so I fully prepared myself for a simliar labour. As it turns out, there was no messing around with M he wanted out and that was that. My waters broke at 4.30am on a cold february morning and after a rather quick two and a bit hours M arrived at 7.09am. A completely different birth experience to E.











My gorgeous youngest boy, I have never known such a cheeky little monkey. He loves to flash me his cheeky smile when he is being naughty as he thinks that will get him out of trouble (it doesn’t) stubborn and strongwilled – oh yes without a doubt, but he is also such a loving little thing. One of his favourite things to do is have a cuddle with me and his “Henry” and when he has hurt himself he automatically goes to seek comfort from his big brother.


Although I am sad that he is no longer a baby I do LOVE the toddler stage. M is inquisitive about everything and copies everything you say. He loves to dance and is following in his brothers footsteps of being train mad (god help me!) He also loves minions at the moment and will happily watch Despicable Me if I let him!

Happy Birthday my gorgeous boy!



About The Author

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