Interview with M, aged 4

Kids often tell it like it is with no filter, don’t they? Last week I asked my eldest a set of questions and this week it’s M’s turn.

Read on to see what he has to say for himself!

1.How old are you?

2. What is your favourite TV show?

Oh yes, M is currently obsessed with Teletubbies and get VERY excited when he watches it too!

3. What is your favourite thing about nursery?
PE because Mrs M makes us run around and shouts “freeze”

I can imagine that M finds this absolutely hilarious to do.

4. What are you best at doing?
I don’t know….

5. What’s your favourite colour?
er… Red

Yep, it’s definitely red. Red for Marshall (from Paw Patrol) apparently and for Blaze and the Monster Machines

6. What’s your favourite toy?
A new tram

I would have put money on him saying his trains but I guess it’s a tough choice between those and trams!

7. What do you want to be when you grow up?
I don’t know….

I still don’t know what I want to be either!

8. What is the most disgusting thing you can think of?

He heard his brothers answer to this so has obviously copied

9. Favourite movie?
Ummm… Hero

He means Big Hero 6, I’ve lost count the number of times they’ve watched this now

10. Favourite food?

Read as “spaghetti” of course. He is also partial to saying “Teddytubbies” instead of Teletubbies and “Par Cark” instead of Car Park

11. Who is your best friend?
Logan, Markus and Zayd

These are his little friends from nursery – so cute!

12. Your favourite holiday you’ve been on so far?
Ummm…..Portugal because of sleeping

I have no idea what the sleeping part means. I think he means he liked the hotel possibly?

12. What’s the funniest thing you’ve ever seen?
*shakes his head*

I thought he would come out with something completely made up. He usually comes up with something weird and wonderful but obviously not today!

14. What do you love most about E?
Umm…he helps me build train tracks

This is true, he does love it when E helps him build huge train tracks!

Why not try this out with your children? Let me know what answers they come up with
– I would love to know and would be happy to feature some in a future blog post!

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