I’m going to #BML16!

Next month I will be going to #BML16 (formerly BritMums Live) one of the biggest annual social events for Parent Bloggers. I actually really wanted to attend last year but thought I’d be a bit of a billy-no-mates so chose to keep up with the happenings via social media instead.

What a difference a year makes though – I feel as though I am ready for it this year (although no doubt I will still be nervous) but I think it’s come at the right time for me and I will know a few familiar faces too which makes it a little easier.

I'm going to #BML16!

Here’s a little intro before the event that BritMums have put together in a linky for all those attending.

My name: Maria

My blog: Suburban Mum – it’s a Family & Lifestyle blog and I write about life as a working mum and my two boys.

Find me on social media: I’m always hanging around on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. You can also find me on PinterestGoogle+, YouTube and Linked In

How I look:
Short! I’m only 5 3″ so I think most people will be towering over me. I’ve got long black hair and brown eyes.


Is this my first blogging event?
I’ve been to a few blogging events but this will be my first blogging conference. I’m actually quite nervous yet excited about going. I’d been meaning to get to one of the smaller blogging conferences before #BML but it just hasn’t turned out that way.

I will be wearing…
Probably leggings and long floaty top or a dress. I’m hoping the warm weather will have definitely stuck with us by then!

What I hope to gain from #BML16:
A better direction of which I want my blog to grow. I also want to finally start putting some effort into Pinterest! Most importantly though I am excited to be meeting lots of bloggers that I talk to on Social Media but have never met in real life!

My tips for a great conference:
Having not been to one before I have no tips but any you may have would be gratefully received!

If you are also going to #BML16 and recognise me on the day – please do come and say hello!


About The Author

4 thoughts on “I’m going to #BML16!”

  1. Looking forward to meeting you Maria. I’m feeling nervous too, but I’m sure it will be a fantastic day! xx

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