Identifying common pains & their causes

Everyone gets a variety of pains in the body from time to time, and if you are someone who has them a lot then you might be especially keen to make sure you know what they are. Being able to identify a pain brings you one step closer to overcoming it because it means that you can work out exactly what the cause is and therefore figure out how to get rid of it quickly and easily.

In this post, we are going to help you out on that front by looking at some of the most common pains that you can experience, and suggesting some of the possible reasons that they occur. This should help you in figuring out where your own specific pains are coming from.


Back Pain

Back pain is one of those pains that everyone will experience at some point in their life. In fact, most of us will experience it quite frequently. It can actually be something that negatively affects your daily experience quite a lot, so it’s good to be aware of what causes it and what you can do about it.

There are many potential causes of back pain, from having pulled it in a funny way to having spinal issues. The main thing is to make sure that you are not doing anything to worsen it – that means that you should try to move around a little, gently, and not simply sit still. In the long run, back pain can be improved and avoided by ensuring that you have decent posture, so work on that for the future.

Stomach Pain

You can get stomach pain for many reasons, and part of the difficulty of diagnosing it is that it might not actually be your stomach at all. Really, what we are referring to here is just all the kinds of pain that you can experience in your stomach area, which are not necessarily going to be anything to do with your stomach at all.

A good example would be a hernia, for instance, which might not be immediately obvious what it is, but will often be very painful indeed. A hernia needs treatment by a medical professional – often this will be in the form of a hernia mesh, although the range of hernia mesh lawsuits shows you that these are sometimes more trouble than they’re worth. Nonetheless, you need to have it sorted in some way, however, you are going to achieve that.


Jaw Pain

Although it is not often one of the very worst pains in terms of how it feels, jaw pain can be incredibly troublesome because of how long it can last. Once you have had jaw pain for a long time, it can start to really make your daily living a little more difficult, and that is something that none of us wants to experience if at all possible.

Jaw pain is often related to issues with your teeth, so you might want to visit your dentist and have them have a look for you. You could also go to a TMJ doctor and see if they can work out what’s wrong too. In particular, be careful with how you chew in the meantime and try not to cause yourself further damage if at all possible.

Chest Pain

Chest pain is a troublesome one because, although it is exceptionally common, in some rare cases it can be a sign of something quite drastic. In the very worst-case scenario, for instance, it can be a sign of lung cancer or a similar related condition, so it is obviously not the kind of pain that you want to ignore if it happens to you. It is important to make sure that you are dealing with it as it arises, otherwise, it might well be a condition that worsens with time.


If you find that you have chest pain, you should see a doctor as soon as possible, and especially if it has persisted for a few days. A lot of the time, it is nothing more than a little anxiety, in which case learning to overcome that is going to be very helpful. But you never know, and it’s better to be safe than sorry, so get yourself checked out in any case.

Those are just some of the common types of pain that you can experience and what you can do about them. Remember: the main thing is to get help when you need it, and especially not to ignore your pain.

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