How to support a loved one with hearing loss

Hearing loss is common to many people as they approach their sunset years. It can also happen to younger individuals due to a wide range of factors, including genetics, occupation, illness, medication, ear infections, or accidents that harm the inner parts of the ear. Assuming you are not the victim, someone else in your circle could suffer hearing loss. Here are some ways you can support a loved one if they fall victim to hearing loss.


Encourage a visit to the Audiologist

Being the motivating force to a loved one with hearing loss goes along way. This could mean an act as simple as recommending a visit to the local hearing centre or audiologist for consultation, especially if your loved one is constantly exhibiting the signs that their hearing is problematic. In such a case, a hearing test can help clear the tension, and these tests are usually not expensive.

Besides, most audiologists agree on how beneficial it is to have a second person during the hearing screening. During the screening, you should be the most reliable point of reference. If your loved one is found to have hearting problems, the audiologist could recommend a hearing aid device. When it comes to this, there are many options out there in the market, but not all of them offer the same service. The audiologist may recommend Unitron hearing aids for your loved one, made by a reputed manufacturer in this market. These are touted as high-performance devices that feature modern technology, but the decision will largely lie on the audiologist you consult. Here, the best support you can give is to ensure your loved one gets the best professional healthcare they can get.

Make conversations easier

Support your loved one with hearing loss by instilling conversation best practices. For example, face them and give them attention while talking to them. Avoid speaking to them from another room or with your mouth covered. If you cover your mouth while speaking to them, then they won’t be able to see and interpret your mouth and lips movement to understand what you’re saying. Besides, they may not even realize you’re speaking to them at first. Also, avoid shouting at them as most of them will perceive it as being rude and angry. Instead of yelling, consider rephrasing your sentences to add context. Snapping on someone with a hearing loss makes it even worse. Do this consistently and remember, your voluntary compliance is a true sign of caring.

Let them know you care

People with hearing loss may feel isolated, lonely, left out, and sad. They may feel segregated, which could attract mental health issues such as stress, mood problems, and low self-esteem. Therefore, reaching out to your loved ones with hearing loss and letting them know you care is such awesome support. Additionally, encourage them to come to a party or any other fun social activities and help them find a way to enjoy the experience with them.

Think of other ways to communicate non-verbally

Supplementing your communication with some non-verbal communication cues could help communicate your point better to a loved one with a hearing loss. In that regard, you must express the emotion of the message with some non-verbal elements of conversation such as facial expressions, gestures, postures, voice projections, etc. Efficient non-verbal cues aids in improving the context of the story and will help them understand more.

Consider alternative communication methods

Other methods of communication, such as texting and emailing, have shown to be extremely helpful. They ensure that everyone is part and parcel of the conversation for many families and businesses. Moreover, don’t forget that visual communication is also key. If someone you love has a hearing loss, seek to include more group and video chats and pictographic features in most of your communications. They work wonders in creating a more fulfilling and inclusive bond with them.

Reduce the background noise

Noisy environments can be frustrating when having a conversation with a hard of hearing loved one. Fortunately, there are various ways you can support them, and this includes reducing background noise. For example, consider first waiting for the kettle to boil while in the kitchen before initiating the conversation, and while in the living room, switch off the TV before speaking. Additionally, there are always background noises competing with your voice in a public setting, depending on where you live. Noisy environments have never been conducive for persons with hearing losses. Therefore deciding to move to noise-free settings such as the countryside and away from construction-filled cities comes in handy.


No one would dream of being partially or completely deaf. It’s also the last thing anyone would want for their loved ones. However, it is common, and it happens. If a loved one is suffering from hearing loss, the above are just a few ways you can support them.

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