How to pull off the perfect blind date?

Blind dates are notoriously helmed as the ‘luck’ game. However, it is actually a two-person deal where the part you play influences the outcome to a great extent.

So, you’ve had a bad blind date? Don’t swear off the whole game in frustration and begin blaming all the men or women in the universe. Everything has a right way and so does nailing blind dates.

Just sit back and read these brilliant hacks on how to pull off the perfect blind date.

Set expectation level to ‘zero’

Admit it, you have already dreamt up a movie-script scenario and expecting your prince/princess charming. On the other end, don’t mentally bundle it off as a waste of time or disaster already.

Keep your expectations neutral, neither high nor low. Let the laws of attraction do their work without having to live up to any standards pre-set by you. The best way to not get worked up about an impending blind date is not to think about it too much. Let it pan out spontaneously.

Plan a location

A neutral and low-pressure place such as a bar or coffee-shop sets an ideal tone to a blind date. There’s no ‘choice’ conundrum here about meal types, expenses, movie type, dress code, etc. You can leave after just one drink or prolong it at ease.


Prepare an outfit

Presentability is important both in terms of impression and self-confidence. So, blend style with comfort and stress on sharpness rather than casual. It doesn’t mean taking out the suit or LBD but about not looking unkempt. You want your date to notice that you’ve made the effort to look presentable. The most important thing is to avoid the extremes and wear something appropriate for a first date.

Humble interactions

Above everything, it’s important to be yourself without lies or exaggerations. Keep the conversation flowing. Take a cue from this list of questions prepared by experts to know someone better. Don’t focus on your insecurities rather try to find the funny and engage in activities. The key to being interesting is to be interested.

Remember your manners

Don’t keep your date waiting or stare at your phone once the date is on. Remember, they have taken out time to be on a date with you. Respect your date. Don’t make assumptions and early decisions dismissing them. On the other end, don’t get too intense and start cross-examining them. Also, be cautious about giving away too much information about yourself.

Calm down

Blind dates are exciting, anxiety is normal but remind yourself that it’s just a date. People grow on people over time. Open your mind and do not judge or complain. Nerves have ruined countless blind dates. Whether it turned out good or bad, leave on a high note. You could be friends at least if not in a relationship.

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