How to design and inflate beloved characters for kids’ special days

Are you thinking of something fun to do for the kids? Maybe a birthday bash, a pool party, or special events to celebrate one of the yearly occasions?

Inflatable characters should be part of the mix. Kids are such vibrant, free, and energetic little humans. What better way to match their energy and challenge their imaginations than by bringing their favourite characters to life? For them, it is a lot more than decoration. They are the stuff of childhood dreams and fantasies.

Here, we’ve come up with a list of ideas you could use to incorporate beloved inflatable characters.

4 kids’ special days to incorporate Inflatable characters

Planning fun events for kids is a daunting task. There are a lot of things to put into consideration. From their safety to making sure everyone feels included and not left out. You could also transform your event with personalized inflatable characters on your kids’ special day, as these whimsical additions can transform any event and bring joy to the hearts of children.

custom inflatables


Incorporating inflatable characters at your kid’s birthday can raise the whole experience to a whole new level. To make it more fun, you could arrange it as a surprise. Imagine the joy on your child’s face as they see their favourite cartoon characters come to life. This will create an experience that will remain memorable for years to come.

Children’s Day

So it’s children’s day, and you’re planning an event to show them how special they are. A cartoon-themed party will be so exceptional. You could try a SpongeBob-themed party if it is the kids’ most loved cartoon. Incorporate cartoon-themed decorations, and don’t forget the inflatable characters for  – it’s not a Spongebob-themed party without the characters. You could add SpongeBob mascots, balloons, and banners to the mix.

You could try a gardening-themed event if the kids are fascinated with nature. You could design inflatable cactuses and cartoon or comic characters like garden gnomes and place them at the venue.

World Maths Day

Let’s say maths is not every kid’s favourite subject. So it’s a great idea to incorporate something fun on maths day. Inflatable characters can do the trick. You could design inflatables holding arithmetic equations, numbers, and mathematical symbols. This will make them more enthusiastic about maths for the rest of the week – or a lifetime.

National Children’s Craft Day

Children love art-themed events. They get to scribble and colour their imaginations. Giant inflatable characters can make children’s craft day even more memorable. Ask the kids for their favourite art character and design inflatables for each character.

How to design and Inflate characters

Here is a step-by-step process on how to design and inflate beloved characters for kids’ special days:

  1. The first step is to choose the character that you want to create. This could be your child’s favourite cartoon character, superhero, or movie character. Once you know which character you want to make, you can start gathering inspiration for your design.
  2. Check their appearance and personality. You can find images of the cartoon characters online or in books. Watch cartoons or movies featuring the character to get a better picture.
  3. Make an order online at a custom inflatable store. It is important to order at least a week ahead of the event to ensure they deliver it without any delay. This will also help you find enough time to make necessary adjustments to the design.
  4. Once the big day arrives, give the character a test run. Ensure that it is stable, properly inflated, and securely attached. Then, set it up so that kids can admire and interact with it.

To prolong the life of your inflatable character, deflate it carefully after the party and store it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and anything that could damage it. This will keep it looking its best for future special occasions.


Bringing beloved characters to life for kids’ special days is a fun and rewarding experience. With careful planning, attention to detail, and a little imagination, you can turn any event into a magical experience that kids and their families will remember for years. So, let your creativity run wild and watch as these inflated characters bring smiles and laughter to young hearts.

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