
How to create the perfect mood for any room

Interior design is an art and a science unto itself. Yet hiring a professional is a considerable expense. Fortunately, this isn’t required to increase the appeal of your home throughout. Instead, you can create the perfect mood for any room with some key considerations, a little stimulation and the help of modern technology.

Think of the emotion you want to invoke

Every room in your home has a different purpose. Some are unique, and others are multifunctional. For example, your kitchen might also be your diner, and the bathroom can double as a spa. But the bedroom should always be cosy and intimate. So please put some thought into the emotions of each room. Consider its purpose and how it is to be used.


Consider the structural elements

Not all rooms are created equally. Depending on the design of your home, the structure might get in the way. Yet, it can be used to your advantage. For example, designing a walk-in wet room might be hindered by a wooden support beam. However, incorporating natural wood into a bathroom design will help with creating a spa-like atmosphere.

Use colours to your advantage

Colours are one of the primary considerations in interior design. Studies have shown that colour affects perception and, therefore, mood. For example, a bright red room will trick the brain into thinking a space is hotter than it is. And a black box can be perceived as heavier than a white one. Pastel shades of blue, green and yellow are excellent at evoking a sense of calm.

Try additional sensory stimulation

Of course, your brain doesn’t rely on colours alone to change your mood. Scents, music and touch are excellent at changing how you feel. With the bathroom as an example, you could try essential oils of lavender as you bathe while listening to relaxing chill-out music. Likewise, your home gym will benefit from an HVAC system at a low temperature and high BPM dance tunes.

Remove anything that doesn’t belong

Going minimal is proven to calm the mind. Some believe that decluttering will bring inner peace since you remove anything that doesn’t bring you joy. That is debatable, yet there is something to be said for removing things from a room that doesn’t belong. One wrong item can ruin the mood. For example, you won’t relax much or become intimate with an always-on TV in the bedroom.


Install appropriate lighting

Lighting can make or break the atmosphere of a room. The nuances of lighting design are complex, but you can make some simple changes. First, try LED lights of different tones in different rooms. For example, LED bulbs of between 5000k and 10,000k are great for the bathroom as they provide intense white light for grooming. But go with lower than 4000k for relaxing areas.

Use Smart Technology

If you aren’t sure which lighting to use, you can try smart bulbs. Alex and Siri can control intelligent bulbs, and you can use apps to dim and change the tone if the feature is available. Additionally, you can create lighting profiles to match a routine. For example, you can ask Alexa to load your bathing profile, such as dimming the lights and playing your bath time playlist as pre-set earlier.

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