
How to choose the ideal dog to adopt when you have kids

A dog is like another part of your family. It has its needs, it is keen towards different diseases, it needs a diet in accordance with its breed, all this and much more. Now, when you have kids, there are certain things to further consider. Around kids, you need to watch out for the size of the dog, its mood, and behaviour. After all, you want the dog to protect your child while at the same time keeping up your kids energy. In the text below we’ll discuss some breeds you should consider.


Go for the right age

If you are strictly adopting a dog for your children, try with a puppy. Dog’s lifespan is notoriously shorter than ours, therefore it might be better to take them when they are young. Children will bond more, and they won’t have to suffer their pet’s death at a young age, as losing your pet is a traumatic experience you might want to avoid. There are downsides, for example, puppies are rarely obedient and are hard to train. They, though never with a bad intention, can scratch, bite or nip your child as they perceive it as a form of play. They can break staff around the house, are a huge load of work, and are hyperactive. However, children rarely mind these things as they behave similarly. In contrast, older dogs do not have the tolerance and are, as are humans, grumpy and more prone to bite or to harm your child.

Select the right breed

What you should take into consideration is the right breed of dog. Bulldogs are known to be courageous, doing a great job at defending their owner and making sure everyone is safe. On the other hand, bulldogs are often a little bit more aggressive and unpredictable, due to their temper.

Golden and Labrador retrievers are an iconic staple when it comes to family dogs, and their reputation is very deserved. These types of dogs are more than just friendly and adorable, they have a long history of great relations with humans, even the small ones. They are patient, energetic, and more than happy to obey their owner. The only downside is the size of the dog, as they are much bigger.

Poodles are intriguing dogs since they are frequently neglected yet are recognized to have fantastic personalities. They are a little demanding, but that is true of all dogs, and poodles are renowned to be tough little creatures. You should know the different types of poodles, the largest come in at about 80 pounds making it a great guardian angel for your family, yet they do not look too intimidating. Every other that comes is smaller, for example, miniature poodles and toy poodles resembling plush teddy bears rather than dogs. All types are wonderful, but for youngsters, the smaller ones may be more tempting because they are typically more lively and compassionate. Poodles have a grooming schedule to follow because of their dense hair. Aside from that, they’re a fantastic choice.

The Weimaraner might be an unconventional choice for a family dog, especially around children. Yet, these dogs are worth considering due to their intelligence, obedience, and military instincts. They are what you would call an alert dog, always on their feet, smelling danger miles away, and have quite a lot of energy, as a matter of fact, so keeping up with the kids will not pose any problem.

Make sure your kids are ready

Before even getting a dog, you should have “ the talk” with your children about the responsibilities and what it takes to take care of a dog. Transfer part of your knowledge to the children, which is one of the reasons why having a pet is beneficial, as youngsters take care of the situation. If the kids do not seem ready, maybe it would be wise to wait for a year or two, rather than getting one right away.


It all comes down to chemistry

Sometimes, though we consider everything, the best way to choose the right dogs that suit your kids is to set up a meeting. Often, the most unusual choice is the one working for you and your child. Therefore, take your child to see the dog, basically all of them, and let it choose the one it feels attracted to. When you observe which dog is the right one around your kids and how they react to it, you’ll know. Also, take the chance and talk to the staff at the shelter, if there are some dogs with a medical record, or are prone to diseases. It is always better to know what awaits you, and the suggestions might help narrow down the choice.

Psychologists have long talked about the positive effects a pet has on the mental health and development of young children and even adults. Dogs are the most loyal and happy creatures filling your home with positive energy and attitude.

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