How reducing spending can help you live a simpler, happier life

You don’t need a lot of money to live the life you want. Living a more simple life doesn’t mean going without. In fact, you can possibly have more with less in your life. There is a real art to being able to live exactly how you want to, not how others expect you to while also reducing how much your lifestyle costs you.

But what areas of your life can you make changes, simplify your life yet still get everything you want and need? The best place to start is at home. And with yourself. Simply be honest about who you are and what you want, and you will soon find that you don’t really need all that much. Living superficially to ‘keep up with the Jones” isn’t healthy for you or your wallet so sit down and really think about what it is that you want out of life.

This way, you can gauge what it is you are looking for in life.

Living the simple life

Have you ever thought about decluttering? Clear your house and your life by getting rid of things you don’t need or want. This will allow you to really take stock of everything you have and what is important to you. Clear out drama and negativity from your life, and you will find a huge weight lifted from your mind.


Finding time for yourself is also important. We all need downtime to unwind and relax – its the best way to keep stress at bay. Some find reading a way to relax, others prefer to take up a hobby as their chance to get creative. There are also some who find playing online games helps keep their mind active. Check this site out for some ideas on the types of games you could play.

Become self-sufficient

If money issues are something that causes you stress in your life, then look at ways you can reduce it starting from home. Reduce your bills by checking how much you pay for different bills and cut any excess. If you drive a car, why not look at cheaper ways to get around, for example, if you work locally then think about purchasing a bike from to reduce petrol and insurance costs freeing up more income.

If you have a garden, look at growing your own fruits, vegetables and herbs to help you create fresh, tasty meals and drinks. This is a great way to become more self-sufficient and save money on your grocery bill too.


Don’t be so frivolous!

It can be so tempting to grab a coffee on the way to work, or lunch on your break instead of making it yourself. But did you know, it can amount to a huge amount of wasted money and add extra stress to your life as you worry about finding money for essentials?

If you are a coffee lover, click here to learn more about creating a coffee shop experience at home. Invest in some good quality Tupperware to take leftovers to work or create a packed lunch from when you have at home. This can also be a healthier way to eat instead of buying processed, ready-made foods during the day.

Taking the first step is hard, but to truly get to a place where you are happy with your life and comfortable with what you have and who you are,  you need to put in the effort to make this lifestyle change work for you.

*Sponsored guest post

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