
Home updates for modern living – a guide to Home Improvement in the UK

Home improvement is a topic that interests many UK homeowners, as it is an excellent way to add value, style and comfort to your property. But many UK homes were built for a way of living that no longer exists. And with lifestyle and environmental changes occurring at a significant pace in the UK, adapting your home for modern living is a good option if renovations and updates are on the cards.

But where do you start? What are the best options for modernisation for UK homeowners? This post has some ideas of things to include in your home.

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Solar Panels and Green Energy Choices

Solar panels are a great way to go green with your home. Solar panels are a great way to go green with your home. They are an investment that, once installed, will keep on providing all year round, with no additional costs for the electricity it produces. With the increase in energy bills in the UK and projected rises for 2023, the average cost of electricity is around £82 per month. Installing solar panels can be a great option to reduce this, as can partnering with a green energy supplier. There are currently 1 million homes in the UK with solar panels, and there is an excellent supply meaning homeowners who wish to add panels can do so easily. The average cost of installing a solar panel system is around £6,500.

Digital Home Security

Digital home security systems have come a long way from the clunky padlocks and systems of old. They are now controlled by sleek apps and voice-recognition technology and can be linked to other smart home features, such as lights and temperature settings. So if you forget to lock your door, the system will alert you and close the door for you remotely. You can also use your phone to see who is at the door, whether a postman or a delivery person. Another feature of modern security systems is that they can be linked to cameras so that you can keep an eye on your home from anywhere in the world via an app.

Automated Smart Home features

In addition to creating an effective home security system, smart home technology can also be used to control other aspects of your home, such as lighting, heating and blinds. Smart lights can be controlled remotely, so you can turn them on when you get home and off again when you go to bed. You can also create timers, so lights are automatically switched off after a certain amount of time. Smart heating can be controlled through a central hub, which can be accessed on your phone. You can set it, so the heating comes on before you get home, so your house is warm and welcoming when you arrive.

Some of the most popular smart home systems in the UK are the Amazon Alexa systems, Phillips Hue and Google Nest, which can all be built up with different components to create a fully functioning system from one hub, be it checking who is at the door, turning appliances on and off via smart plug, lighting and more.

Increased Storage

Modern homes are increasingly smaller, and home storage is being neglected for maximised living space. However, if you are planning on doing interior home renovations, look into integrated or hidden storage. This can be as small as redesigning your unused space to maximise efficiency by adding hanging space for coats and drawers for shoes or installing fitted wardrobes in an awkward space in a bedroom to turn it into an attractive yet functional feature without compromising on space.

Other options when renovating can include adding in functional shelving; recessed bookshelves can make a practical and eye-catching feature in rooms; hidden storage in purpose-built furniture such as seated toy boxes in playrooms or under bed storage or adding built-in cabinets sound wasted door space, again making an attractive feature that doubles up as additional storage (this is an excellent idea for books or family photos and mementoes).

Air Conditioning

Air conditioning is something most people in the UK only experience when out in public buildings or on holiday somewhere warm. But with increasing summer temperatures (summer 2022 saw highs of 32.7 degrees Celsius), very few homes have full air conditioning.

As UK homes are designed to trap heat to keep us warm, cooling them down can be difficult, and this is where air conditioning comes in useful. Regardless of the age of your house, you can get a quote for air conditioning for a modern home or Listed building air conditioning

systems that work to keep your home cool when temperatures start rising.

Open Plan Living

For many people, the dream is to have an open-plan living space that flows from the kitchen to the dining room and into the living room. This involves removing all non-load-bearing walls to open up the whole space. This is a great way to maximise space and make the most of modern living. How open plan you go depends on your home structure and preferences. You can opt for a fully open plan, remove as many walls as possible, and replace them with RSJs. Or you can partially open the space, so you still have some separate space while most of your floor plan is open. This is usually something people in the UK prefer for their cooking and dining spaces to allow them to be still involved with family life while preparing meals each day.

Indoor-Outdoor Living and Cohesive Landscaping

One of the newest trends in home improvement is bringing the outdoors in and vice versa. If you have a large garden that you would like to take advantage of, you can bring the outside in by using your garden to create a beautiful outdoor room. You can choose the right plants and trees, such as palm trees, which create a tropical feel. From your home, you need to create a removable barrier by way of floor-to-ceiling windows which can be opened fully to create a space that flows, you can then add decking outside of the doors to lead into the garden, or you can add a patio space that doubles as an external dining space in nice weather. Landscaping and gardening can be used to create a cohesive style between your home and garden.


More and more people are turning to dehumidifiers to help them beat the cost of living crisis and avoid doing damage to their homes from reduced energy and heating consumption. The reality is in cold, damp conditions, you can expect mould growth in your home and dampness, especially if you are drying washing without using heating to speed up the process. Dehumidifiers soak moisture from the air and can be an aid in drying clothes quicker and preventing dampness problems. In an age where the UK is experiencing more extreme weather conditions than ever before, coping with the changing seasons is imperative, and a dehumidifier can help you do that.

Underfloor Heating

If you are searching for a way to improve your home’s comfort and warmth, installing underfloor heating could be the perfect solution. There are two types of underfloor heating: electric and hydronic. Electric underfloor heating is an excellent option if you are looking to add warmth to a single room. Hydronic underfloor heating is better if you want to heat your entire home. While the installation cost can be high, underfloor heating runs on electricity, not gas, and over time can save you on your heating bills and remove the need for bulky radiators in your rooms.

Final Words

Modern living is a new way of thinking about your home. It focuses on creativity and comfort while keeping an eye on energy efficiency. Home improvement projects are a great way to introduce new ideas to your home and make the most of modern living. Whether you are looking to add style to your home or eliminate some unpleasant smells, there is a project for everyone.

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