Having a Christmas panic

Take a look on social media and it seems everyone is full steam ahead with the big countdown for Christmas. Trees have been bought and decorated, cards written and presents wrapped.

I’m usually one of those organised people but this year? Not so much. Don’t get me wrong I’ve been buying presents since October but I’ve not bought any cards yet let alone write them and I haven’t actually finished present buying.I need to buy gifts for teachers/teaching assistants at E’s school as well as the lovely nursery ladies who look after M which brings me onto another thing to panic about – they both finish up for Christmas NEXT WEEK!!! Arrrgghhh!

having a christmas panic

I have a huge to-do list between then and now and I’m a bit worried it’s not going to get done in time…..

Thankfully, one saving grace has been online shopping as I’ve managed to buy over 70% of my Christmas shop over the Internet.

Talking of online shopping  – did you know that Thornton’s website have a Christmas Gift Finder? If you are wanting a chocolate based gift for family or friends this is ideal. You answer a few questions about your recipient and the gift finder comes up with the perfect chocolate combination. I don’t know anyone who wouldn’t like chocolate for Christmas!

Amazon Prime has also been my saviour this year I don’t think I could live without it now. There have been so many occasions where I’ve forgotten about a birthday party and needed a last minute present or card and have not been able to get to the shops. Next day delivery is just ace and on certain items that have even started offering certain areas same day delivery for Prime members – how awesome is that? Just earlier today I ordered a birthday card for a party E has been invited to this weekend as I had forgotten to pick one up.

We are going to buy and decorate our tree this weekend – maybe that will get me into the festive spirit and make me want to start making a big dent in this to do list of mine?

*Collaborative post


  1. Kathy Fletcher

    Hmmm I might be a bit scrooge here but I don’t buy Christmas gifts for teachers or nursery. The girls write them a card. But I save the gift for the end of the academic year to say thank you for all they have done. My mum used to be a teaching assistant. The teachers and assistants at her school never expected Christmas gifts. Obviously it was lovely when they did receive them, but they didn’t think any less of children who didn’t! xxx

    • We do cards but in the past I have made cupcakes for them and then a small gift for the teacher/key workers. We then usually do a collection at the end of the year…. There will be no cupcake making this year as I have no time! lol

      Lukily since writing this both school and nursery mums are organising a little collection which I am just going to put towards and we will then just write cards! x

  2. Educating Roversi

    A whole new world for me this year! First Xmas my son has been at nursery and I was wondering about presents! I’ve bought his key worker and the other girl he is looked after by a lot some smellies and then getting the whole nursery a tub of chocs! I’m not sure what is the norm TBH!
    Amazon has been great for me to send my nephew and niece presents in New Zealand #KCACOLS

  3. mommyslittleprincesses

    Like you we are yet to put our tree up and are hoping to do it today.Christmas cards aren’t something I need to worry about luckily as I never send any out. Ella on the other hand sends out Christmas cards to all her classmates and they are all ready to be handed out tomorrow. Aaack gifts for the teachers I never thought about that and Ella has five teachers! Here’s hoping you manage to get the rest of your list done on time! Xx #KCACOLS

  4. tracey bowden

    I am kind of halfish organised, as in my tree is up, most of presents bought, cards bought but not written and nothing wrapped.December gets quicker and quicker each year doesn’t it! Don’t even start me on presents for teachers, teaching assistants, head teacher, caretaker, cleaners, lunch ladies, playground assistants grrr where does it stop! #KCACOLS

  5. I hope you manage to get organised on time – I am sure you will. Perhaps you are like me and get everything done at the last minute under pressure! Amazon is great for finding the tricky gifts – which I usually find is any adult male! #KCACOLS

  6. I can’t believe how quickly December is flying by! I’m pretty much done now, just need to get all the little extras now… (so I’m sure I’ll end up spending a fortune!) #KCACOLS

  7. I’m supposed to finish all my Xmas shopping and anything related to Xmas this weekend but so far I’m here still commenting for the linky!! LOL I hope to do that in the afternoon!! I hope you have all organised by now!! Thanks so much for sharing this at #KCACOLS! I hope you join me again tomorrow for the last #KCACOLS of 2015!!! 🙂 xx

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