GymCube – online fitness for busy mums

It’s that time of year again. Summer. When the sun is out and I see women wearing gorgeous vest tops teamed with skirts or lovely floaty dresses. Sadly, I am not one of those women.

Currently, I am over a stone heavier than my pre-baby weight (my youngest is 3) I’m not even sure I can call it baby weight anymore?

I don’t know what it is, but every year I put on weight in the winter, not worrying much about what I eat and then by the time Summer comes around I am desperate to lose the pounds I have piled on.

Both Mr H and I have started eating more healthily over the last couple of weeks, making sure we eat plenty of fruit and veg and fewer carbs. However, one of the main things I desperately need to get back into again is exercising.

As a working mum, I am mostly sat in front of my desk during the day, and again most evenings whilst I blog so being active is currently really minimal. There never seems to be enough hours in the day and by the time I have done the housework, dishes, cooking and washing there is little energy to do much else let alone even thinking about heading to the gym!

Gymcube online fitness

This is where GymCube comes in. They are an online fitness platform that gives you access to a wealth of online workout videos. You can choose a workout type, from cardio, aerobics through to weight training. Or you can choose to focus on body zones such as abdominal exercise, strengthening your core through to toning and leg exercises. If like me, you are starting to exercise again after a long time you can even choose a difficulty level and filter down even further by choosing what equipment you have at home – if any.

The cost to subscribe to GymCube starts at a really reasonable £3.95 for the Silver Membership which gives you basic access to the website and videos. Gold Membership is £17.95 a month and in addition to the Silver Membership access ,you get 1:1 training. Platinum Membership is £147 for the year and gives you unlimited access to all the above.


I love this idea of being able to workout whenever it suits you without having to leave your house. I can simply access a workout video at a moment’s notice when I have half an hour or so to spare.

The videos can be accessed online, on your phone or tablet and even via the TV so there really is no excuse not to exercise!

I am looking forward to getting started – I’ll let you know how I get on in a follow-up post!

*I received 6 months membership in exchange for this post.


  1. Oh my goodness I need to check this out! I seriously lack discipline when it comes to my yoga routine at home. Just 10 minutes I say to myself, but it never happens. I’ll be checking out the app! Thanks for sharing and we will have to keep in touch about our progress 😉 I saw you at BML16 but didn’t get to say hi and chat properly. Are you off to BlogFest? Lovely coming across your post through #fortheloveofBLOG Enjoy lucky things x Sunita

    • Hey Sunita – I’m hoping to be able to go to BlogFest so it’d be great to see you there! GymCube is great and perfect for us busy mums! I honestly have no excuse not to work out anymore although now the boys are on Summer Holidays it is proving to be a bit more tricky! x

  2. What a brilliant idea Maria, I love the sound of this company and being able to work out when you want at home. This is so important for busy mums who work and then blog in the evening. Like you and me. I do wish I had more time to go out for a run though, that’s one thing I do miss a lot. The prices of gym cube are really reasonable too, much cheaper than a gym membership. Thanks for linking up at #fortheloveofBLOG. Claire x

  3. isabella erickson

    If you’re a busy mom you can try recumbent exercise bike, upright bike. you know this bikes are able to gym at home. recumbent exercise bike is one of the best home workouts machine.

  4. Health Clubs

    Wow, what a wonderful idea! I will definitely check this out and share this with my friends!

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