Guest Post: Fun ways to get your children eating veggies

I’m so excited today to be hosting this fab post from Emma over at Me and B Make Tea. She’s a busy working mum of one to her little boy B and she likes to make food fun for her little one  – proving it doesn’t have take a lot of time to be creative in the kitchen.


Fun ways to get your children eating veggies

Hey there and thanks for joining me and b on our quest to make veggie-based snacks exciting! I am still clinging onto the dream of summer…anyone else with me there?! There is still half of July and August so who knows, maybe we will have one of those Indian Summers – we can only hope ey? We had one hot day this week but it’s clouded back over down south west way. Sigh.

Meanwhile, me and b bring a bit of summer into the kitchen this week with some “sunshine” inspired snack ideas for you to try. And I promise they don’t take ages! I’m not a super mum – I just don’t have time for a lot of faffing.

1. Pepper Palm Trees

Yep, palm trees made (mostly) of peppers, with some carrot and cucumber – we like to mix things up 🙂 They aren’t difficult to make and you could pretty much use any veggies. I sliced up the peppers – green for leaves, yellow for the little island. I then used sliced, raw carrot for the palm tree trunks and cucumber to add more leaves. You could use celery, some sugar snap peas, cooked veggies such as cabbage, courgette or broccoli. There are so many variations you could try. I also thought hummus would make a nice sandy island – and of course handy to dip those veggie sticks in 🙂

Pepper Palm Trees

2. Crabby Critters
Crabs made out of tomatoes. Little man was eating them faster than I could make them! For this cute seaside snack, you just need some tomatoes and a selection of other veggies to make legs and claws. I used carrot and cucumber here. For the sand, I use some cashew nuts and croutons that came in one of our Graze boxes. You could use hummus or grated cheese. Blueberries make the eyes and I finished this off with a Babybel. I used a cookie cutter to make the claws 🙂

Crabby Critters


3. Carrot Ice Cream Cones

chantenay carrots

Yes, it sounds bonkers but call one thing something else and one of two things will happen: toddler will embrace ice cream carrots and eat them up, or….you end up putting the idea of ice cream in their minds and can’t get them off that subject without tears and tantrums. Luckily little man enjoyed these carrot cones just the way they were presented to him. I use chantenay carrots here, but regular carrots would work just fine. These baby carrots are often on offer in Aldi for some ridiculous price – 39p or so for a bag that would feed the whole street. I essentially washed my carrots and dolloped a bit of hummus on top. Job done. Little man thought they were great and sat in the garden eating them. I gave him the little pot of hummus so he could keep topping up his “ice cream”.

Carrot Ice Cream Cones

So there, three super easy ideas for bringing some summer sunshine and beach fun into your kitchen. Let me know how you get on with these ideas, especially if you have a little one who isn’t so keen on veggies.

Like these ideas? Don’t forget to share them on Pinterest too!

You can find Emma online:

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Thank you Emma for these wonderful ideas! I think my boys would love the Pepper Palm Trees and the  Crabby Critters – not sure about the Carrot Ice Cream Cones though, they would most definitely not be impressed with substitutes for real ice cream! 

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  1. What lovely ideas, anything that helps convince children to eat a bit more healthily without a big argument has to be good 😉

    Thanks for linking up to #PicknMix hon

    Stevie x

  2. thanks for popping it on #fortheloveofBLOG 🙂 x

  3. Oh so so cute!! I absolutely love the little carrot ice creams! Thanks for sharing on #fortheloveofBLOG x

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