Gifts from Wicked Uncle

It’s that time of year again where parents are scouring the shops for those must-have toys for Christmas! We are lucky in this day and age that if we are organised enough, we can avoid the mass queues in the multi-story car parks and not have to hit the busy high streets in the vain of getting all our christmas shopping done because we have the wonder that is “online shopping”

There are a vast array of places you can go to buy your gifts but have you heard of Wicked Uncle?


Wicked Uncle is an online toy shop with a difference. Not only do they stock some unusual toys that you may not have heard of elsewhere, they can also giftwrap your item of choice and send them direct to the recipient along with a handwritten birthday card. Something that will save you so much time in the run up to the busy festive season.

The website aims to make gift buying for children a painless process and you can easily filter down by gender, age or category. It’s great if you are unsure what toys are popular for a certain age as there are plenty of suggestions.

I decided to to have a browse through to see what stocking filler type toys I could find for my boys. First up – I had a look to see what I could find for E who’s 5 and a half.

It didn’t take long before the Natural History Museum Pocket Microscope (priced at £10.95) caught my eye. I know that E will have hours of fun with this as he is really inquisitive and loves this sort of thing. I can picture him now running around trying to find all different items to look at under the microscope!


Next up, I chose this amazing Jurassic World  – where dinosaurs come to life book (priced at £9.99). It features Augmented Reality technology (AR) which mixes real and virtual worlds together. E will be over the moon with this book. He went to see Jurassic World back in the summer as he couldn’t wait for it to come out on DVD. Hubby and I couldn’t resist having a play with the book and AR app when it arrived and it is really really cool. You literally can have a life-sized dinosaur in your living room!


Check out the T-Rex in our living room with Augmented Reality!

 Now onto the toys we chose for M who’s two and a half – he is really into all things transport at the moment so I know he will love this London Car set (priced at £15.95) We’ve not had any Le Toy Van toys before but I have heard really good things about them. This set comes with a whopping SEVEN vehicles including a double-decker bus, a taxi, fire engine, police van, ambulance and racing car. I know these will go down very, very well and will be a great addition to all the wooden trains we have.


I then saw this Zombie Popper (priced at £7.99) which I noticed when I was looking for ideas for E. It is meant to be suitable from age 4+ but with no small pieces we felt it would be fine for M. The balls are meant to be the zombie’s brain which you can shoot out of his head by squeezing his body. I have a feeling both boys will be in fits of giggles with this toy.


Once I’d chosen what to order the payment process was a breeze and our delivery arrived well within the time frame stated. I ordered on a late Sunday night and our package arrived by Wednesday.

Overall, I love the Wicked Uncle site – there are a lot of toys that I’ve not seen anywhere else before and I will most certainly be using them again in the future.

NOTE: We received a voucher to go towards the toys mentioned above in exchange for this review. All words and image are as ever, my own.


  1. I love shopping in town at Christmas to get into the festive spirit. However sometimes online shopping is just perfect – especially after traipsing round not finding things that you need or that inspire you for gifts! It also means you can do it without little prying eyes! Great that they do gift wrapping too! I must say that I had not heard of Wicked Uncle. Thanks for sharing #KCACOLS

  2. The Speed Bump

    I’ve never heard of this website before but I’ll definitely check it out – sounds like there’s a few things on there that even my boyfriend would be interested in for Christmas! Thanks for sharing! #KCACOLS

  3. Jessica Powell

    This sounds like my kind of shop! 🙂 (a quick snoop around the site confirms it!) #KCACOLS

  4. Looks great, I’m always on the look out for toys that are different! Thanks for linking up to #KCACOLS, hope to see you again next week x

  5. mommyslittleprincesses

    Looks like you got a great selection of very interesting things.xx #KCACOLS

  6. Ahh! Wicked Uncle are brilliant….My girls would have one of everything given the chance. lol

  7. tracey bowden

    Oooh I have never heard of this but it sounds great for presents and being the last minute buyer I am those added extra touches really appeal to me! #KCACOLS

    • It really is great for buying toys and gifts for children – especially if you had to buy presents for children who you won’t see around Christmas time the gift wrap service is perfect for that!

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