Friday Photos #7

How are we all this week? Things are starting to get a little manic in the run-up to the big day for me. I’ve mostly finished my Christmas shopping but have left all the last minute niggly bits and pieces to buy which seem to be taking me forever. Cards are written and posted now. I had to wait for the boy’s ones from school to be sent to us and they finally arrived on Tuesday. I hate having to write them it batches – and then I couldn’t find my address book anywhere!

I haven’t wrapped any presents yet so will be doing the yearly wrapping marathon early next week. The boys are absolutely shattered, this week alone we had E’s school nativity which was just super cute. He then went on a school trip to see Dick Whittington, and M had a theatre tots session at nursery. They still have another 2 and half days before the end of term and I tell you what. We are all soooo ready for it. We all (Mr H and I included) all finish up on the same day this year which is really nice and I am looking forward to the 2-week break and having lots of family time.

Anyway – enough of my babbling, here are some of my photos from Instagram last week

We’ve not been to Painshill Park since we had the boys and I had forgotten just how beautiful this place is.

So proud of him, what is it about school performances that always bring a tear to my eye?

Favourites from my IG feed

How cute are these Christmas Pudding longjohns from Ruth at Top Five Mum

These little Penguins from Jane at Maflingo are just genius. I’m definitely going to have to try this!

And last but not least this photo from Wendy at Naptime Natter brings back memories of my boys when M was a baby. Brotherly love at it’s best!

Flashback Photos


I can’t quite recall how old E is here – possibly 5/6 months old? He’s so chilled out and laid back even now and sometimes it drives me crazy! Obviously was in his genes early on (from his dad’s side of course!!)


This photo of M was taken around this time last year when we went to choose our tree. He seems to have grown up so much since then. I don’t want 2017 to come because it’s the year he will be starting school and he definitely does not seem old enough for that!

Same again next week?

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