When did flying with kids become relaxing?

Without a doubt, plane trips are stressful with kids, especially young kids. I heard about Jettly recently and they offer affordable private charter jets through the use of a mobile app. It’s something worth looking into if you are fed up with the hassle of travelling commercially.

Written last week at the start of our trip to Lisbon:

I am currently sitting on a plane, M is next to me playing on the iPad. E is sat in the row in front of us with Mr H, playing his latest obsession – Minecraft. For the first time in six years of parenting, I am able to sit and relax in my seat and enjoy the peace. I didn’t quite know what to do with myself at first, then I realised it was a good time to just sit, relax, take it all in and write.

My boys are growing up by the day and whilst it’s easy to mourn the fact they are no longer babies anymore I also want to reflect on how life is definitely a little easier now.

Going abroad with babies and young children can be really stressful. The number of essentials you need to pack is insane. Nappies, wipes, bottles, lotions and potions and that’s even before you’ve even considered how many items of clothing you need. Then there are naps to account for and working out when best to take them out of the buggy to get them ready to board the plane. Airport security can also be a nightmare to go through. Having to taste baby milk to prove there’s nothing sinister in it and praying that your overtired and overexcited child won’t have a meltdown about having to walk through the x-ray machine by themselves or purposely having to wake your sleeping baby so that the buggy can go through.

I’ve been through each and every one of these scenarios and more. Just a little over two years ago on a late-night long haul flight to Hong Kong M was so overtired he wouldn’t stop crying. I practically had the whole plane staring at me because he just wouldn’t settle and the flight was delayed by over 40 minutes – a lifetime when you have a wailing child!

Our preflight experience was the polar opposite of all those times. We breezed through check-in having already checked in online. Bag drop was super easy too and we had time to spare to leisurely grab a bite to eat, we even let the boys have a quick run around in the play area before boarding.

I’ve just seen a mum pacing the aisles with her baby in a carrier – that was me just a few years ago.

So far, I’ve had a quick 10-minute snooze and have even started reading a book on my kindle. If flights are to be like this from here on in then I’m already looking forward to our next trip!

About The Author

70 thoughts on “When did flying with kids become relaxing?”

  1. Wow, unbelievable. Congratulations. There aren’t many people who write about having a relaxing flight with kids. Pen x #KCACOLS

  2. Isn’t is wonderful when they are a bit bigger Maria. I also find flights pleasurable now, hard to believe given the screaming years! Lily gets stuck into the movies and we can relax too. The holiday can once again start at the airport. #KCACOLS

  3. Sarah | Digital Motherhood

    That’s great that it was relaxing for you. We did a 9 hour flight with our 5 year old this summer and it was easier than a 2 hour flight with a toddler! There are definitely benefits to having older kids 🙂 #KCACOLS

  4. I actually love you for posting this. Our flights are still stressful, but I can see how my eldest (4) is starting to be easier to manage. It’s wonderful to hear that I’m not just daydreaming when I think it will be easier when they are older. #kcacols

  5. Adventures of Mummy and Me

    Wow! I’m so looking forward to getting to that stage of being able to go “hands free” as your say! I haven’t attempted a flight yet with my now 16mo as I’ve heard too many horror stories of it being the most stressful experience to endure! Love the sound of relaxing on a flight though! #KCACOLS

  6. it’s great to know there’s light at the end of the tunnel! We’re in the thick of it with a 2 year old and 6 month old. I always bagsie the baby LOL #KCACOLS

  7. I actual don’t think flying with kids is that hard – I’ve had 2 shockers (both short haul) but all our long haul is easy peasy. As the kids get older, the hardest thing is getting them up for early morning flights!! #kalcols

  8. Surprisingly enough my last solo flight with my two (then 18mths and 3.5yrs) was remarkably uneventful! We flew from Toronto to London (around 7hrs in the air) and I actually managed to have a little kip myself. They love to surprise us! #KCACOLS

  9. Fran Back With a Bump

    After just having got back from Portugal and having to sing 10 green bottles all the way there I am insanely jealous!!! #kcacols

  10. Where off to disneyland paris in a few weeks and I am quite anxious about how my 2 year old will deal with the 3 hour train ride. Pray for me haha #kacols

  11. I’m glad traveling is getting easier for you now. Both my girls are actually very good on a plane, as long as they have an iPad each to watch were pretty good to go. Next year we are doing long haul though so that will be a real test of their traveling tolerance!

  12. I’m so jealous right now… so glad to hear it gets easier as they get older! Our first flights weren’t mayhem but they weren’t exactly relaxing just because of THE FEAR! #KCACOLS

  13. Nice to have something to look forward to in a few years.but for now, I’m still the lady with the baby carrier 🙂 #KCAKOLS

  14. Our little one is 3 answer I’ll be honest I have avoided any family holidays which would includ a plane simply because I couldn’t hack the stress of bringing a baby on a plane

  15. Good to know it gets easier, it sounds like you had your fair share of troubles in the past! We’ve stuck to driving to get on holiday so far with our baby – a wise move by the sounds of it! #kcacols

  16. Ha – I’m not at that stage yet! I have 3 boys, and the little one is just over 2. One day I’m sure I will be able to sit there while they’re all busy doing something (like my 7 year old already is), but until then… it’s mad mad mad! Well done! #KCACOLS

  17. Its great when you do feel it getting easier, I feel like that with my two now, I remember the days when I’d get on a flight and had to breast feed one and give the other one a drink, food and games all at the same time. It’s bliss now, glad you enjoyed the peace.



  18. Andrea @Topsy Turvy Tribe

    Thank you. So good to hear travel gets easier. We have a 2 and 3 year old and are currently traveling. Mostly it’s brilliant but they defiantly keep us busy and no chance of a sneaky snooze. Hope you enjoy(ed) Lisbon, it’s a wonderful place! #KCACOLS

  19. This is reassuring, It’s nice to hear a positive flying experience with kids! I have planned not to fly with the boys until they are older as I’m afraid of it being stressful! #kcacols

  20. Actually sounds lovely!I haven’t been on a flight with a child for a good 12 years but I was lucky and always found him well behaved thank goodness!I always imagined I’d be one of the Mum’s who’d be wandering around with a screaming baba!! x #kcacols

  21. It sounds like you had the perfect trip this time! It does seem to be luck of the drawer but I often find kids surprise you by being better than imagined. x #KCACOLS

  22. Wow! So lucky! I think I’ll wait until my son is a little older before we try and get him on a plane. Long car journeys are still a bit of a struggle. #KCACOLS

  23. It does get so much better – my 3 are easy to fly with now that they are teens and tweens. Although…we did have a major incident with a cup of coffee and a blanket as we were coming into land at Dubai airport which resulted in a very cross 18 year old having to completely change her clothes! Perhaps some things never change!! #KCACOLS

  24. I never travelled on a plane with my kids when they were small so luckily missed out on that stress, now they just sleep on the plane and it’s nice and peaceful! 🙂 #kcacols

  25. Sounds like an amazing flight! I feel now that I never fully appreciated the time a flight gave you to do reading / writing / snoozing! Hope you had a wonderful trip to Lisbon. Can’t wait to read about it! #KCACOLS

  26. That’s super impressive! I can’t imagine a flight with my four being relaxing..EVER!!! we haven’t even attempted to take the 2, 3 and 4 year old on a plane together yet, I think I’m going to need a sedative! #KCACOLS

  27. We’re going to Lisbon in February! After Australia in August, I’m hoping it’ll be a breeze! Little L will be 2.5yo. I look forward to the day I can sit and enjoy some peace on the plane again. Have a great time xx #KCACOLS

  28. Sounds idyllic! And still far away for me. I have yet to brave a flight with my two, but I’m hoping we will next year. I’m hoping for a peaceful one like yours! #KCACOLS

  29. I haven’t taken my two on a plane at all yet and at 19 months and 3 months I don’t think I will be in a hurry! Haha #KCACOLS

  30. my baby is 6 months and he such a lovely boy in a plain:) I guess it will be more stressing if he will be older:D

  31. chocolateandwineandillbefine

    Aww I am so glad it is easier now! I have never dared taking mine on a plane, but it sounds terrifying! #KCACOLS

  32. I’m deliberately avoiding flying until SB is old enough to amuse herself a bit more! Sounds like you had a lovely relaxing flight! #KCACOLS

  33. Twicemicrowaved tea

    Your description of travelling with babies and young children is exactly what I worry about and is why we keep putting off flying with Little B. It’s so good to hear that it’ll get easier in just a few years! #kcacols

  34. Jaylan - Diapers at Dawn

    So another four years to go for us! Although to be fair our last flight in the summer with baby K wasn’t too bad, I’ve found he can do four hours straight on a flight without having a complete meltdown. Our first flight with him wasn’t too bad either, on the actual plane, in the airport was a complete different story he had a total meltdown from check-in till we actually boarded the plane, I was actually apologising before we even got on the flight. All part of the parenting experience I suppose :o) x #KCACOLS

  35. I’ve yet to have the courage to take my five year old anywhere far enough to require flying, but it is nice to know that she is old enough now that it wouldn’t be the nightmare that it might have been a few years ago. I give all the credit in the world to those of you that fly with toddlers. #KCACOLS

  36. My husband’s parents live abroad so we have flown with Arthur quite a few times since he was a baby – luckily he has always been pretty good (no screaming!) but it is definitely getting harder to keep him entertained and the amount of ‘stuff’ you need with a small person is insane!! He never sleeps on the plane either. Glad you can see the positives in them growing up a little with certain things that get easier 🙂 #kcacols

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