Engagement ring care tips for keeping your ring shining bright

Your engagement ring is a symbol of your love. Keeping it clean is essential to protect it from damage and help it shine brightly. Thankfully, it’s easy to keep your ring looking brand new. All you need are a few simple steps and a few everyday household items!

Do not touch it

You introduce body oil and other debris to the stone and setting when you touch your engagement ring. Over time, this can dull the ring and cause discolouration.

To avoid this, wear your ring only after applying hand sanitiser, lotion, perfume, or hairspray. The ingredients in these products can also interfere with the diamond or gemstone accents in your ring’s design and may even lead to loosening the prongs holding your centre stone. Taking your ring off during chores like gardening, cleaning the house, or working out is also best. Harsh chemicals in household cleaners and hard knocks on concrete and other rough surfaces can damage the ring. It is essential to make it a habit of taking your call off regularly and to store it in a safe place when you aren’t wearing it. It will help to prolong the life of engagement rings.

Clean it regularly

It would help if you took good care of your engagement ring because it’s probably one of your most expensive jewellery pieces. The best way to do that is by cleaning it regularly. Weekly cleanings using a non-abrasive cleaner will help keep your ring looking new. However, bringing your ring in for a professional cleaning twice a year is essential, which will remove residue and reduce the risk of loose stones or bent prongs. Use a mild washing-up liquid and a soft toothbrush for a more cost-effective solution. Pour some of your soapy solution into a bowl of warm water. After letting your ring soak for a few minutes, gently set it by brushing it with the toothbrush, paying particular attention to the diamond. After thoroughly rinse the ring, pat it dry with a lint-free, clean cloth (microfiber towels work best). It should help your ring retain its beautiful shine.

engagement ring

Keep it clean

You’ll be showing off that megawatt diamond to everyone you know, so naturally, it will get a lot of attention. However, it’s essential to keep in mind that touching it can cause it to become dull. The reason is that when you feel your engagement ring, you’re introducing all kinds of gunk to the stone’s surface, including skin oils and debris. It can result in a film that diminishes the regular light interactions with the sun, making it appear dull and cloudy. Get your engagement ring professionally cleaned at least four times yearly to keep it clear of buildup and sparkling. It, along with regular at-home cleanings, will help to reduce the need for repairs and maintain a brilliant shine throughout your life together.

Keep it in a safe place

While diamonds are tough and durable, they still need some tender love and care. That’s why keeping your engagement ring in a safe place when you are not wearing it is a good idea. It will help protect it from being damaged by harsh chemicals, rough surfaces, and scuffs. We recommend a jewellery box with dividers for each piece of jewellery. This way, your ring is clear from other items in the box. Taking your ring off before hands-on activities like cleaning and cooking is also a good idea. You want to avoid accidentally giving it a makeover with specks of paint or loosening a stone in its setting with a hammer! We also advise removing your ring before showering or going to sleep. Your hands swell while sleeping, and a call can easily get caught on your bed frame or hang onto the sheets and cause damage.

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