
Easy ways you can maintain your deck at home

When it comes to designing the perfect home, you simply cannot do without a deck. A deck is a great addition to your house providing a peaceful, outdoor experience without ever leaving your house. You can host late-night parties, set-up a library, or put a table for your morning coffee. There’s no doubt that a deck provides great versatility and can increase the outlook of your house. However, it can be difficult to keep your deck in great shape at all times. A dirty and unorganised deck can be tough to maintain and will spike up your bills. This is why maintaining your deck and keeping it clean on a regular basis will make your life much easier.


Here are a few tips you can follow to keep your deck as clean as ever.

Get your hands dirty

Depending on the surface of your deck, you can go for different cleaning options. Ultimately, you are required to thoroughly clean the dirt and debris off the surface of the deck. Be sure to clean any corners and tough to reach areas to avoid mould and mildew. Remember to secure any plants or furniture with sheets to avoid damaging them during the cleaning process. When it comes to outdoor maintenance tasks like cleaning a deck, getting your hands dirty is often unavoidable but essential for preserving the integrity of Quality Cedar Products.

Know your products

Using the wrong products when cleaning your deck may cause unexpected problems. Using a regular cleaner on composite flooring won’t give the best results and may even damage the flooring. Meanwhile, a high-pressured water source can also cause damage. Experts advise using oxygen bleaching, which is both safe and environmentally friendly. Otherwise, you can use the common water pressure scrubbing and a putty knife. If you have composite flooring, opt for a special composite cleaner. For a Vinyl floor, typical warm water and soap would be enough. As for the most common wood decks, any common deck cleaner will do the job.

Repair and water-proof

You can contact a professional to take care of your deck for you if you find that you don’t have time or would like to have it done professionally. These skilled people provide repairs and sealing services personalized for your specific deck type. Experts at suggest water-proofing your deck to prevent moisture from taking over. Rot is more likely to appear under your stairs, joists, posts, or other connecting or hidden parts. Since these areas are often more difficult to clean, water can collect there and cause rot. Use a screwdriver to check if any areas have rotted. You must also check your railings by giving them a shake. Railings tend to loosen after some time and require repair.

Paint and seal

No matter what kind of material you use when building your deck, decks are prone to damage after some time. If you’ve had your deck for quite a while, you will already notice signs of wear and tear. Decks, especially wooden and composite ones, can get damaged because of moisture, fungus growth, ultraviolet light, and pressure. Various types of sealants exist that must be applied regularly to keep your deck in the best shape. Some sealants even have an add-on fire resistance providing extra safety.

The cheapest option to give your deck a fresh and new look is to paint it. Painting provides a layer of security that protects your deck from outside factors. You can also use a toner, which will add more colour to your deck, protect it against light, and allow you to show off your original deck design at the same time. If you want to keep it fully authentic, use an entirely clear sealant with no added colour. Depending on your choice, various other options are available.

Inspect for damage

There is no better way to maintain your deck than inspecting it regularly. The deck will show signs of damage, colour loss, rot, and fungus. Fixing any problems right on the spot will give your deck more life and save you a lot down the road. Regular inspection will also give you a chance to keep your deck clean. When not taken care of, decks tend to get extremely dirty. Providing regular cleaning will only take a few minutes of your time and will help save a lot of time and effort later.


Maintaining your deck can be a challenging task. However, it is better to take preventative measures instead of letting everything get worn down and ruined. By following these simple steps, you are less likely to run into serious problems with your deck. Make sure to trim any nearby trees and move around your furniture often to prevent discolouring and rotting.

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