
Easy mid-week meals for busy mums

Six weeks into the new school year and life is as hectic as ever. It’s been a bit of an adjustment getting used to having both boys at full-time school. It means there are two lots of reading to try and squeeze in, in the evenings and it’s proven to be a little tricky when you have an overtired 4-year-old.

I’ve purposely tried to limit after-school activities until M has settled into Reception a little more but on Thursdays the boys have swimming lessons straight after school (an important life skill I’d like them both to master) so I have to make sure I can get dinner on the table with minimal fuss to fill their hungry tummies.

We’ve been trying out Princes New York Deli Tuna Fillers in Jacket potatoes and they have been perfect in helping me knock up a quick, and easy mid-week meal.

I work from home on Thursdays so I can easily throw the potatoes in the microwave for 10 minutes and pop them into the oven on low heat before I head out to pick the boys up from school. When we return from swimming, I just need to pop the Princes Tuna Fillers in the potatoes and dinner is served!

Friday is my day off from work, however, it’s usually my “blog” day where I spend the day writing. I also try to keep on top of my mountain of laundry and other household chores.

It does mean that I have a little more time to prep dinner and this Tuna Pasta bake really hits the spot.

I start by cooking up some pasta and whilst that’s on the hob, I chop an onion and a pepper and fry them in a pan. When the pasta is cooked I mix in the cooked onions and peppers as well as a couple of tins of Princes Tuna Chunks. Lastly, I stir in a jar of pasta sauce and transfer it to a baking dish before adding some grated cheese on top and popping in the oven for 15 minutes. Just like the Princes Tuna Fillers, a hot meal is waiting for the boys when they get in from school.

Preparation is key in getting meals onto the table with quickly and I really love that Princes Tuna Chunks and their new Tuna Fillers can be used to create meals that are nutritious, high in protein and low in saturated fat in minutes.

As a parent, we all want to be feeding our children healthy meals but we might not necessarily have much time to spend in the kitchen during the week as we are juggling a million and one things. Princes really get this and to make our lives a little easy they have a whole host of quick and easy recipes on their website – why not give them a try?

*Collaborative post with Princes Tuna #MumsOnTheRun

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