3 sure fire ways you can earn £500 each month

I have a guest post for you today from a fellow blogger. Jon Gutteridge blogs over at The Money Shed and runs a community committed to helping you earn money online. As it’s a New Year, I think most of us are trying to tighten our belts a little after overspending over the Christmas period. Read on to see how you can potentially earn £500 a month.

It’s the start of the new year, and everyone sets out some new plans don’t they?

I want to buy this….I want to go there….I want to improve this….

A lot of those plans involve money sadly, and money (especially for Families) always seems to be tight, just when you need it most!

Luckily, there are many ways we can ‘up that income’ from home! So how does earning around £500 extra a month from home for you all sound?

3 sure fire ways you can earn £500 each month

Before we get started, I better introduce myself to you, fine people. My name is Jon, and I run a website called The Money Shed. It’s not just any old website you see, it’s the UK’s largest community website dedicated to earning money from home, and it has 1000s of members, 99% of which are full-time parents all sharing how they earn extra money from home.

Anyway, now the boring stuff is out of the way, let’s give you 3 sure-fire ways you can earn that £500 each month!

Web Search Evaluator can help you to earn £500 a month

Ever wonder how search engines like Google do the amazing things that they do? There is actually a human element involved, and that’s where you as a Web Search Evaluator would come in. The company who offer this opportunity are called Leapforce, and you would work as a ‘rater’. The job entails logging into their website and rating the quality of the produced results when someone searches for something. The job involved a fair bit of clicking on things and writing what you think about the produced search results, but the best thing is that you get paid BY THE HOUR. The rate of pay is FAR higher than the UK minimum wage.

So if you have spare 30 minutes before picking the kids up from school, you can log in and earn some cash!! When I used to do this, I generally made around £700-£1000 a month from this alone, so it’s a fantastic company to apply to work with!

Mystery Shopping

An oldie but a goodie! I’ve done mystery shopping for years and was actually featured in The Sun recently as I paid for a trip for my family to go to Florida doing it!

If you don’t know, Mystery Shopping generally involves going into a store and having some ‘experience’ and then documenting that experience afterwards. It could be as simple as going in and buying a blue jumper over the counter, or it can be a case of sitting down and having a meal. Your costs are generally fully covered, and you also get a fee on top!

The company I always recommend people start with is Market Force. This is because they have contracts with a LOT of the major UK high street chains and they also hold your hand A LOT when you first get started and give very clear and easy to follow instructions! They also have some cracking jobs posted on their site, including all expenses paid weekends away in Spain for 2!!!

Mystery Shopping AT HOME can also help you earn £500 a month

If you want to (or can’t) venture outside of the home to do Mystery Shopping, one company will let you do it ALL from home!

That company is called eDigitalResearch. Instead of going out to the various shops to do your Mystery Shops you instead use their websites. You are paid to use their site and usually place an order delivered to your home where you are then able to then either return the item or keep it. Your costs for the item are covered, and as before you also get a fee for each time you do this. At the end of the experience, you would log in to the eDig website and write about how you found things like their ordering process or what the packaging was like when the item arrived. The work tends to come in waves with this company, but when it comes you can typically make around £100 a month, if not more!

I think I’ve probably covered how to get an extra £1000 a month, never mind my initial plan to share how to earn £500 so hopefully, if you follow my advice you will be able to get those things you dream of getting this year!

If you would like even more help and advice and as I mentioned at the start, please do come along to my website The Money Shed. You will find so many more ways to earn £500 a month or even more in extra money that you really can improve your life dramatically for the better!

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11 thoughts on “3 sure fire ways you can earn £500 each month”

  1. I didn’t know about these, they sound interesting for some extra cash if I had a bit of more time! haha thanks for sharing x

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