Discussing men’s sexual health with your partner

With the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic still being felt all around the world. There has been a renewed surge on how we all approach our health and what we do when we don’t feel quite right. There has been a lot of upheavals when it comes to accessing medical services, and many people feel like this isn’t the time to be bothering their doctors with something that seems minor and insignificant.

If it is bothering you, it isn’t insignificant. If something doesn’t feel right to you, then you need to make an appointment with your GP to get things checked out. Despite messages to the contrary, there is still a stoicism that us British have when it comes to talking about our health issues—especially those deemed as taboo.

The fact is our GPs have probably heard or seen it all before, and nothing will phase them. After all, it is their job and what they are trained to do. Traditionally men have been wary of visiting their GP to discuss health concerns or even broaching the topic with loved ones or friends. There is an air of silence and the thought that men must suck it up and get on with it.

But honestly, they don’t need to, even with those topics that seem almost taboo and too personal to discuss with someone else. Our bodies change as we get older and for many men, prematurely accepting these changes and thinking there is nothing they can do to stop it  – when in most cases it is as easy as getting a prescription for Sildenafil, can lead to a lot of worry and stress on their part.

Approaching the topic of men’s sexual health with your partner

Discussing men’s sexual health can be a tricky topic to broach in a situation even if you have been married a long time. Chances are if your husband or partner is experiencing erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation, they will be having conflicting feelings on the subject ranging from failure to embarrassment and possibly even anger.

A refusal to be intimate or putting sex can place unwanted strain a relationship, especially if the subject isn’t directly discussed between a couple. But as hard as it can be to discuss what is happening, once you have gotten it out in the open, you will find that you can look at treatment options to help you overcome impotence.

Talking About Men’s Sexual Health

Before you attempt to discuss the issue, you need to make sure that you are doing so in a safe and confidential environment. It is likely your partner, or even yourself will be embarrassed about what is happening to them and having others hear, or the conversation or being in an unsuitable environment can make things worse.

Choose your moment carefully and plan what you want to say. Suppose you feel you can’t say why not try writing down what you want to say and then having them read it. Being calm and comfortable when having important discussions such as ones about men’s sexual health will make the conversation go more smoothly and limit feelings of shame and embarrassment. Regardless of how you are going to communicate it, it is important to discuss and learn how you can satisfy each other. Be open, and don’t be afraid to explore and try new sex positions, sex toys, lubricants and VellaBio Orgasm Cream.

Be prepared to deal with feelings or possible denial. It may be that there is something else causing the erectile dysfunction issues or other sexual health problems, and your partner may not be open to discussing them just yet. This should be something you need to be prepared to deal with. If so, remain calm and make sure you have some options to hand that can help with men’s sexual health problems for them to look back on at a different time.

If you are with a new partner, chances are you will be looking to discuss their previous sexual partners and make sure you are both being careful and free from any sexually transmitted diseases or long term sexual health problems. Being open and honest is the sign that you can have a healthy and mature sexual life and be considerate of your partner and taking care of their health by protecting them.

Treatment for nen’s sexual health problems

If you are worried about catching STDs, then using protection when having sex is vital as is asking your partner to get tested at a local sexual health clinic or with their GP. If your partner doesn’t respect your request, then maybe you should reconsider becoming sexually active with them. If you suspect they do indeed already have Men’s sexual health issues, having relevant information and treatment options to hand can help you to help them get the appropriate treatment.

For long term partners, issues such as erectile dysfunction can often be treated with prescription medication. This can be bought online often after a consultation with a professional to prescribe the correct medication and strength. This is important if your partner is already on other types of medication.

If their current medication is causing them concerns in the bedroom department, insisting they talk to their GP about the side effects can let their doctor know they are struggling and look at how they can move forward address the issues caused either by way of changing their medication or by taking medication to help them regain sexual functions.

In some cases, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and problems when it comes to sexual intercourse can be an indicator or something more serious. In the first instance, always consult your GP for practical advice and the correct information regarding the causes of ED and treatment options available. For many men, taking medication can help them to enjoy sex for longer as they get older and counteract any signs of men’s sexual health issues.

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