Dementia Awareness

A diagnosis of Dementia can be worrying – not just for the person involved but also friends and family.

Currently, in the UK, there are over 850,000 people living with Dementia, 42,000 who are under the age of 65.

I’m very lucky and (so far) do not have the first-hand experience with this but I can only imagine how worrying it can be for the person involved as well as their loved ones.

Dementia awareness

Dementia is caused when the brain is damaged by diseases such as Alzheimer’s and can change a person’s personality. They tend to suffer from memory loss and confusion or have difficulty completing everyday tasks. Seeing a loved one like this can, of course, be distressing.

Sadly, there is no cure for dementia – it’s a progressive disease that gradually gets worse with time, but there is help available.

The Alzheimer’s Society has a wealth of information as well as advice and support. They also have a very useful online forum where carers and those suffering from dementia can talk to others in a similar situation and help feel that they are not alone.

People with early dementia can quite often be cared for at home but as the illness progresses a care home could perhaps be an alternative option.

Barchester Care Homes who specialise in dementia care have put together a guide on how to choose the right care home. The guide assists you by helping you ask the right questions and is broken down into sections. It highlights ten key elements of real quality dementia care that you should look out for when choosing a care home.

For further resources, you can also visit the Barchester Care Homes website for help and advice.

Do you know anyone suffering from dementia? How did they find help and support?

*Collaborative post

About The Author

3 thoughts on “Dementia Awareness”

  1. Memory loss is a very dangerous disease that affects the person as well as the people connected to him/her. You should always make sure about your mental health as well as your physical health. Integrated Health Systems provides you with the treatment for memory loss that helps you to stay fit mentally.

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