Craft Corner: Clothes Pin Aeroplane

The theme for this month’s Bostik Blogger craft was Birds/Flying. As we made some Easter Chicks last month, we decided to go down the flying/planes route. The boys joined in by  decorating some plane shaped card with pipe cleaners and jewels and I made a Clothes Pin Aeroplane (see step-by-step instructions further below)

Clothes Pin Aeroplane

You will need:

  • Traditional Clothes Pin (you can use a normal clothes peg)
  • Five lolly sticks (we coloured ours)
  • Glue Dots
  • Glue

1. Stick glue dots to the middle of two lolly sticks. Line them up and stick them to the top of the clothes pin.

2. Repeat with two more lolly sticks. This time stick them to the other side of the clothes pin.

3. Take the last lolly stick. You will need to cut this one shorter for the tail end (keep the discarded part as we will use this for the rudder. I used a craft knife to mark the lolly stick to make it easier to snap into two. I then took the rounded edge off so that both sides looked the same, before using a glue dot to stick into place at the bottom of the clothes pin where the slit is.

4. Using the earlier discarded piece of lolly stick, I cut into this using the craft knife at a 45 degree angle.

5. I then marked where this would sit on the clothespin and used the craft knife to dig out a small indentation so the rudder could sit in place.

6. Glue the rudder to the clothespin and there you have your plane!

My boys decided to “bling” the plane up with some jewels – what do you think?

Pin it for later:

*We were sent a box of crafts from Bostik in order to create these items.

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