Cooking with Neff
A few of weeks ago I was lucky enough to be amongst a group of bloggers who were invited to spend the day at Neff’s showroom in Milton Keynes to cook up a storm in their kitchen and make full use of their amazing slide and hide ovens that are used on The Great British Bake Off.
I love baking and am a huge fan of Bake Off so it was an opportunity definitely not to be missed.
The day kicked off with a cuppa and cookies followed by a short introduction to Neff (we were also pre-warned about the amount of food we would be consuming too!) Once that was over it was down to us bloggers to cook up a huge feast for lunch. I was paired up with the lovely Fei from Peonies and Lillies and our task was to make wild boar patties.

It gave us a great opportunity to test out the slide and hide ovens for ourselves. I have to say I was really impressed with them – not only are the doors super cool there a whole host of functions too. You can cook a three-course meal all at the same time if you desired and wouldn’t need to worry about the different flavours intermingling thanks to CircoTherm®. It works by drawing air backwards rather than pushing it forward like a conventional oven.
A video posted by Suburban Mum (@suburbanmum) on
Other dishes being cooked up by our bloggers included:

Once lunch was over we got to learn a little about dough proving and bread baking by the lovely Lyn. She showed us how to make some tear and share bread and I have to say the lovely aromas coming out of the oven were amazing!
I learnt some great tips on using the dough proving setting in the slide and hide oven. No pre-heating is required either so no time or energy is wasted. I also learnt a great tip when using self-raising flour. As an avid baker, I wasn’t really aware that it needed to be used regularly as apparently, the raising agents settle at the bottom!
After the bread baking session it was time for afternoon tea – I mean we hadn’t eaten for all of two hours!

So after having pretty much-done nothing but eat all day, it was time to head back onto the blogger bus back to London with our bellies full. I even got to have a nap! WIN
I had a fantastic day meeting other bloggers and cooking at Neff – thank you so much to Currys PC World, Neff and Joe’s Bloggers and also to hubby who arranged to work from home to look after my boys so I could have a very rare day out to do something I love.
The slide and hide oven is most definitely on the top of my Christmas list (just need a new kitchen to go with it first!
You can find out more about the amazing Slide and Hide ovens on the Neff website or get some great cooking tips from their Cookaholics facebook page or on their YouTube channel
* I was invited to spend the day at Neff Headquarters courtesy of Currys PC World and Joe’s Bloggers
3 thoughts on “Cooking with Neff”
I am so jealous you got to try out these ovens! I lust after these every week on Bake off and now I’ll just lust a bit more. What a super day and so much fooood! Heaven! 😉 xx
The ovens were amazing Lisa – serious envy going on that day as I’m a bit of a gadget geek anyway! And yes the amount of food we all consumed was crazy! x
What a lovely day out and ooh you’ve made me so hungry! I would love a new oven….I wouldn’t have to clean the old one then 😉
Stevie x