Children & Technology

When I was growing up my parents worked a lot. My dad was a chef in a restaurant and worked long hours and my mum had a number of part-time jobs some which meant she worked in the evenings. They both worked hard to provide for my brother, sister and me.

Being the eldest of three, I was automatically responsible for looking after my siblings but I remember all the fun we had when mum and dad weren’t around.

When my parents weren’t working, we went on days out and trips to London. We loved being treated to meals out at restaurants. When we had family came over from Hong Kong we got to be tour guides and took them round London to Windsor Castle, Buckingham Palace and The Tower Of London.

Now with children of my own, I see the importance of providing them with a fun and carefree childhood. One that allows them to enjoy being children, to run around, play and laugh. We do many of the same things my parents did with me. My boys love nothing more than being taken to a park to run around and play football in. They also love going on a train and don’t even mind where the destination is. For them, it’s all about the train ride and they love and being able to see the world go by and point out different colours trains but they also enjoy  the simple things like playing together at home or reading books.


A recent research conducted by My Voucher Codes says that 32% of parents worry that their children rely on technology too much and previous polls have shown that parents are concerned that their children are growing up too quickly due to technology.

We didn’t have much technology available when I was a child. There were no mobile phones or tablets and if we had arranged to meet somewhere we would stick to it. I used to run up huge phone bills by talking to my friends (you know the ones I’d seen at school all day but still had so much to talk about!) I got my first computer when I was around 15/16 (I think?) and that was back in the day when you had to connect to the internet via dial-up and you would be charged per hour to use it! I didn’t get my first mobile phone until I went to uni at 18 either.

Whilst today’s technology certainly can be of some concern to parents due to the fact that we are always “connected” it is something I try not to worry about too much. Like my approach to most things when it comes to my boys, I think that technology used in moderation is no bad thing. We live in a digital age that is only going to get more advanced as time goes on. It’s inevitable that children will be more tech-savvy at an earlier age. It’s the way the world evolves and I think we should embrace it. It seems that 59% of parents from the research seem to agree with me too. There are many positives to today’s technology, educational apps are available in abundance that assists with Phonics, Maths and so on. The use of technology is also actively encouraged at school. E has a special log-on which he can use at home to access fun learning games that are in line with the National curriculum.

I’ve read a couple of articles on whether kids are missing out on childhood and parents wishing their children had the same upbringing they had. I agree with Working Mother’s opinion. I do think it is down to the parent’s responsibility to guide their children with the use of technology, how to limit screen time and how to encourage correct usage. My boys are only 3 and 6 so at the moment, it’s relatively easy to guide and restrict them. I’m not sure what it will be like in a few years time when they are a little older but I believe that if I am consistent in educating them now with their usage that I will have already laid the seed for them to be responsible when they are older.

What do you think? Do you worry that your children rely too much on technology?

*Collaborative post

About The Author

1 thought on “Children & Technology”

  1. Bobcat (2 and a bit) is allowed to have screen time with the ceebeebies app. He’s not obsessed with it, because he knows he can get to play with it. Because he’s bilingual he’s still very limited when it comes to talking. But watching him playing assured us how intelligent he is, learned all letters with the Alphablocks game, we sing them together. It was great to see that he worked out the rules by himself! So I think when it’s limited and the rules are clear, they can’t do to much harm.

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