
Anniversary Dinner at Chi Kitchen, London

I honestly don’t know where the time has gone but Mr H and I celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary last month. We don’t get to go out together as much as we used to anymore so when we were invited to Chi Kitchen it was the perfect opportunity to have a date night and celebrate.

Chi Kitchen is a Pan-Asian restaurant with flavours from China, Malaysia and Japan. Masterchef 2014 Winner Ping Coombes is the executive chef for the kitchen and we were really excited to test out some of the kitchen’s signature dishes.

The restaurant has a semi-open kitchen where you can see your meals being prepared. We visited on a Friday evening and the place was filled with hungry diners.

Chi Kitchen - open kitchen

chi kitchen

Both Mr H and I love our food and the fact it was Pan-Asian meant we were able to try a mixture of all different types of dishes. We were happy for the duty manager Angela to recommend dishes for us to try and boy – did she choose some great dishes!

We started off with some Popcorn shrimp which was served with wasabi mayonnaise and a Duck watermelon salad. I love duck and it’s something that we only tend to have when we eat out as I don’t really know how best to cook it at home. The Duck watermelon was absolutely amazing. Who knew that the two would go together so well? It honestly was a taste sensation and totally worth going back to Chi Kitchen for that dish alone.

Popcorn shrimp | Chi Kitchen
Popcorn shrimp
Duck and watermelon salad | Chi Kitchen
Duck and watermelon salad

Next came a very impressive steaming plate of Chi Kitchen rolls which consisted of crab, tuna and salmon sashimi. I don’t think I’ve ever tasted sushi that was so fresh and delicious.

Chi Kitichen roll | Chi Kitchen
Chi Kitchen roll

For our mains, we had Sea bass with chilli, Prawn Assam curry, Cha bee hoon (noodles) and some baby pak choi. Our favourite dish from the mains had to be the Assam curry. It’s not a dish we’d tried before but we loved the rich flavour of it.

Seabass with chilli | Chi Kitchen
Seabass with chilli
Prawn Assam Curry | Chi Kitchen
Prawn Assam curry
Cha bee hoon | Chi Kitchen
Cha bee hoon

With so much food in our bellies, we needed a breather so we ordered some Jasmine tea to sip on whilst we decided which desserts we’d like to try. (well, we were celebrating our anniversary after all!)

Mr H decided to have the Baked Green Tea Alaska and I went with the chocolate sphere. The chocolate sphere is one of those puddings where you drizzle on a hot sauce over to see what’s hidden on the inside. I’d seen these many a time on TV before but had never tried one myself and I was not disappointed. The restaurant put a lovely anniversary message on the plate which was a really nice touch.

Bake green tea alaska | Chi Kitchen
Baked Green Tea alaska
Chocolate sphere | Chi Kitchen
Chocolate sphere

Overall, we really enjoyed our meal at the Chi Kitchen. Being Chinese, I’ve tasted a lot of different Asian style dishes in various restaurants in my life and I thoroughly enjoyed our meal here.

We don’t tend to visit Oxford Circus much when we head into London because it is always so busy and full of tourists. However, we will most definitely make the effort to go back –  if only to taste the delicious Duck and watermelon salad again! If I had to have one small gripe, I would say that the lighting was a little dark but its a really minor thing and of course has no effect on the food.

Chi Kitchen is located on the ground floor of Debenham’s on Oxford Street. If you love Asian food I’d highly recommend you give it a try the next time you are nearby.

*We were invited to Chi Kitchen for the purpose of this review. All opinions are honest and my own.

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3 thoughts on “Anniversary Dinner at Chi Kitchen, London”

  1. Congratulations on your anniversary! The food looks delicious, I love restuarants that offer different types of food. Usually something for everyone that way.#kcacols

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