Boohoo Kids Clothing Review

My boys will literally throw on whatever clothes I’ve laid out for them or grab the first thing in their drawers, they don’t really put much thought into it (typical boys, I guess?) When E was younger he was quite easy to pick clothes for – anything that had Thomas or Dinosaurs on he would love. M has moved onto wearing Thomas now, with a bit of Paw Patrol and Minions thrown in but I’ve noticed that over the last year or so I’ve stopped buying character clothing and tend to veer towards non-branded tops that are plain or have small with motifs/patterns.

Boohoo Kids Clothing

Boohoo recently launched their Boohoo Kids clothing collection, and we were asked to choose some key pieces to try out. Boohoo Kids collection is aimed at the older age range of 5-12 and looks to bring us the latest looks for less.

At this moment in time, the kid’s collection is a little “girl heavy”, but I hope that the future more piece will be added into the Boys section. This isn’t uncommon with high street stores either, and while boys tend not to have as many accessories as girls, it’d be nice to see a wider range of styles available for boys.

What we chose

We chose the following three items below for just over £30 which I think is a little pricier than what you would expect to pay in high street stores. Browsing through the Boys section, I spied this collared shirt which I knew be perfect for the Christmas holidays. It’s not often the E wears a smart shirt, so it was a refreshing see!

The next item is meant to be a smart bomber jacket, and I have to say I was a little disappointed with this. I was expecting this to be a lot thicker than it is and it’s more of a zipped sweatshirt and not a bomber jacket at all, so I think the title of this item was a little misleading. However, it was only £12, so I’m guessing if it were thicker it would be more expensive. It’s been something that E has been wearing lots around the house – especially at the moment with this changeable weather!

Our final piece is this fleece lined hoody which reminds me of Elliot from the classic movie ET! I’m not sure why but I never tend to buy red tops for E. I always seems to stick to blues/greens and greys but seeing how he rocks red I really should go for brighter colours more often!


I ordered these three items in aged 7-8 (E is 6 and a half), so I knew they would come up a little big. I don’t mind though because he has huge growth spurts at the moment, so I am hoping these will last him a while.

Overall, I am happy with our selection of clothes and would look to buy from them again. The website is really easy to use, and our order arrived within a couple of working days.

Have you shopped at Boohoo Kids before?

*Boohoo Kids kindly sent us these items from their Kids collection. All opinions are my own.

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3 thoughts on “Boohoo Kids Clothing Review”

  1. Aw what a seriously handsome model you have there. I don’t know if I have ever even shopped with Boohoo, but off to have a look now as the pieces you chose look fab.

    Stevie x #PicknMix

  2. Pingback: How to navigate the smart-casual dress code for little boys | Suburban Mum

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