Behind the Lens guest series

I love taking photos. Even before we had the boys I was snap happy and out of our group of friends I was always the one that had a camera or phone at the ready. I literally have thousand upon thousands of photos and although they are mostly in digital format now rather than in albums, I love looking back at them. They all have a story to tell or take me back to a certain time of my life.

To me, they are as important as the memories I have in my head and will leave a reminder to my future grandchildren, great-grandchildren of what our lives were like.

Last Summer, I decided to up my photography game, especially on Instagram. From that spawned an idea to start up an Instagram Community  #UnPocoDeToDoUK with some of my close blogging buddies.

I also wanted to start running a guest series in 2017 and it felt right to have a photography theme behind it too. So this January, I am launching my “Behind the Lens” guest series.

Behind the Lens guest series

The Behind the Lens guest series will be a new regular Wednesday feature on the blog and aims to feature fellow bloggers sharing a photo (or photos) of their choice and to talk about the story behind them. It could be a special captured moment like baby’s first steps, a family holiday or simply a photo that holds special memories.

The first guest post will start on Wednesday 11th January 2017.

If you would like to take part in this guest series and would like some further information please drop me an email to get in touch.

Our Family Holiday in Malta

To kick off this series I thought it was only apt to share a couple of snaps of my own and tell you the story behind them.

The following photos were taken back in July 2013. It was our first holiday as a family of four and M was only five months old. Mr H had been working ridiculously hard and had not had much time off at all. He managed a whole two days of paternity leave when I gave birth  (the joys of having your own business) and so this holiday was much-needed family time for all of us.

It was a strange time really. I’d been struggling with adjusting to having to look after two little ones. Despite the fact that we are all smiles in this photo, one of the things I remember most on that holiday was the fact that E didn’t want to spend much time with me. It upset me quite a bit but looking back at it now, so many things had changed in his life. He’d stopped going to the childminder he’d been going to since he was 10 months old as I started mat leave. Then not long after that, he started nursery two mornings a week. Just as he settled into that routine his new brother came along! It’s really quite a lot to take in when you are only just three!

He spent the majority of the holiday stuck to his daddy’s side, preferring his company to mine but who could blame him? I couldn’t do all the fun things daddy did. I had M who needed changing and feeding every few hours.

It was also the first holiday, where Mr H and I realised we couldn’t be culture vultures. We went into the main town one afternoon to soak in some history. However, with a toddler that needed carrying, a buggy to manoeuvre over bumpy windy roads and M in a baby carrier – it was no mean feat! Thankfully we’ve since adjusted our expectations and holidays since have gotten a little easier as the boys have grown older!

Although our Malta holiday had its ups and downs, it was also one where E gained huge confidence in the swimming pool. M also went swimming for the first time too. We also went on our first boat trip and found out first hand how handy having a half board holiday resort is!

Want to take part in the Behind the Lens series?

If you would like to take part in this guest series and would like some further information please drop me an email.

Posts will be scheduled on a first come first served basis and will run every Wednesday. All posts will be shared and promoted across my social media accounts (tagging you where possible).

You can read posts from the rest of this series here

About The Author

63 thoughts on “Behind the Lens guest series”

  1. This is such a lovely idea! A picture says a thousand words and, for me, helps fuse my memories onto my brain. I’d love to take part in your guest series. I’ll drop you an email! Thanks, Ruth #sharingtheblogLOVE

  2. This is a great idea for a blog series. I always love seeing other peoples pictures on Instagram, especially all the wonderful moments we all capture of our children.

  3. That’s a great idea. I’m a bit of a photography addict myself. In the first year of Peachy’s life I think I took about 10 thousand photos. My husband makes fun of me all the time. He claims I have to cut back or we’ll run out of space to store all the USB sticks by the time Peachy is 18. I say we’ll just have to move to a bigger place. #KCACOLS

  4. Alana - Burnished Chaos

    This is such a great idea for a guest series, I’d definitely like to take part at some point. I’ll drop you an email x

  5. Fran Back With a Bump

    What a great idea and a photo really does speak a thousand words…or sometimes not as there can be alot behind a photo. Thanks for hosting #kcacols x

  6. I really like the idea since most of our pictures have a story behind them.
    My problem is that I always end up having too many pictures to handle since technology nowadays allows us to take so make pictures 🙂

  7. I love looking back on old photographs and remembering the good times. Holidays with little ones are tough but they definitely get easier as they get older. Ours are now 18, 12 and 6 and are finding holidays more and more pleasurable every time we go away. #KCACOLS

  8. The Tale of Mummyhood

    What a great idea! I love looking back at photo’s, time passes so quickly so it’s great to snap loads of memories!


  9. Nicky Kentisbeer

    This has once again reminded me that I shall get through my to-do list this week. Just watch me Maria!! You’ll be hearing from me #KCACOLS

  10. Sarah

    My husband is the photographer in our house. My attitude is ‘snap a 100 and 1 will turn out well’, whereas he’s good at light, composition, and all that kinda stuff!


  11. We loved Malta and would like to go back! I need to get a bit more practice in photography before I join in but will be watching for inspiration! #KCACOLS

  12. Loved reading this Maria and seeing the gorgeous pics of your family. I know what you mean about not getting to see much in the way of culture! I still don’t get to do that and mine are teens. Anything like that is declared to be ‘boring’! #KCACOLS

  13. Katy - Hot Pink Wellingtons

    I love looking back at photographs and feeling all those memories come flooding back, and I love hearing the story behind other people’s photos too. I do miss a holiday where you could cram in a bit of culture! Maybe in a few year’s time… #KCACOLS

  14. I love taking pictures too! I was also always the one in the gang with the camera out and now with little ones it’s so much more fun is t it 🙂 #KCACOLS

  15. Oh this is a great idea for a series. It’s always nice to know more about the photos and why they were taken. I absolutely love taking photos as well, and this year I’m really hoping to improve my skills.x #kcacols

  16. Great idea for a series. Another form to express ourselves in. Sometimes its so hard to find the right words then you see a photo that you’ve taken and it can transport you right back to when it was taken.

  17. I love the idea of this series. I’m trying to improve my photography but also struggle with the idea of editing an image to perfection so it doesn’t reflect the reality and propagates the ‘everything on social media is perfect’ myth – great to hear the warts and all stories about the image!!! xxx #kcacols

  18. This is a fab idea. I’m not a great photographer, but my photos will have a meaning behind them so I can try to capture a moment in time that I’d like to remember. I remember that time in my life when my husband and I realised we had to do tourism “differently” now that we have kids! #kcacols

  19. Carolina Twin Mom / Mary Peterson

    Fantastic idea! My pictures are far from artistic, but every now and again I will take a picture that tugs on my heart a little more than the rest. I’d be happy to be a part of the series, if you don’t mind smart phone pics! #KCACOLS

  20. What a great idea for a series. I really enjoy series based around photos. Like you I’m very snap happy and pictures mean a lot to me. one of my goals is to take part in more series this year so you can expect an email from me
    Lovely post and great pictures #KCACOLS

  21. Helen @Talking_Mums

    Hi Maria, I remember our first family holiday and the realisation that the key to a happy holiday was to go at their pace and have no expectations to do anything in particular – no agenda!

    I would love to take part in the series, will send you an email x

  22. lucy at occupation: (m)other

    Sounds like a good idea for a series!
    And your word about adjusting with two children (one being three) really resonated. Have you written more about it? If so can you send me the links…? (@puddlemother on twitter if you tweet them) We’re in the adjustment period now. It’s getting easier but slowly! #kcacols

  23. Beautiful pictures. Just capturing a moment with a very different feeling behind it. They say a picture says a thousand word but you’ve shown the opposite. #KCACOLS. Would love to join in please.

  24. Great minds think alike!!! Sounds like that holiday was the welcomed break you all needed! I’m desperate for a holiday this year but hubby has loads of courses this year so all money is to be spent on hotels and petrol, so im thinking of tagging along and making a long weekend out of it!
    I emailed you back in the week – did you get it? #KCACOLS

  25. Pingback: Guest Post for Suburban Mum's "Behind the Lens" Series ~ A "Love Letter" to My Cat

  26. Pingback: Parenting blogs which accept guest posts — Motherhood: The Real Deal

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