Behind the Lens with Boo, Roo and Tigger Too

This week we have Sarah from Boo, Roo and Tigger too sharing her Behind the Lens story with us. I am super excited that Sarah joined in with this series as I am a regular reader of her blog.

Read on to find out her story behind the photo!

Thank you to Maria for allowing me to share with you a special photo and tell you the story behind it.

The photo I’m sharing is one from our wedding day in 2004, at first glance, it looks like a little moment between the two of us as the marriage register is completed.  In fact, it has a bit of a story behind it.

Mr Boo and I had planned our wedding for the same date that we started dating, with our wedding day also marking our fourth anniversary since becoming a couple.  Like all weddings, lots of preparation went into the day from choosing our local church, the dress, flowers etc.  As we already lived together before we married we decided that I would stay in our flat the night before the wedding and he would stay in a local hotel with one of his best men (we had three – don’t ask).

The morning of the wedding whilst I was at the hairdressers he came over and had our valeted before returning it and heading off to get ready himself (we paid for the wedding ourselves so wanted to save money on cars etc).  Whilst I was getting into my wedding dress the telephone rang which clicked through to the answering machine as I didn’t fancy answering calls on my wedding day.  As the beep sounded a familiar voice started to talk…

“Can someone please answer the phone, I need to speak to someone, but please not Sarah”

It was Mr Boo.

For that split second which felt like a lifetime, I thought that he was about to call the wedding off.  My mind raced as I wondered what on earth I would do if he left me standing at the alter.  One of my bridesmaids managed to call him back, with him simply saying that he was sorted and didn’t need anything.

I arrived at the church to find that luckily he was there waiting for me.  The service came and went, with a crazy vicar telling some strange story which he thought was funny yet only one person laughed at.  As we walked through to the vestry to sign the marriage certificate, I asked him why he had called.

‘I didn’t know how to pin my flower onto my suit’ he replied

I can’t believe I thought that my future was over, due to a buttonhole.  So as you can see in the photo, I am kindly pointing out the buttonhole on his lapel and where he should have attached his flowers.

Good job I love him!

You can find Sarah online:
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Do you want to take part in the Behind the Lens series?

If you would like to take part in this guest series and would like some further information please drop me an email.

Posts will be scheduled on a first come first served basis and will run every Wednesday. All posts will be shared and promoted across my social media accounts (tagging you where possible).

One Comment

  1. Thank you so much for featuring me within your behind the lens series. It’s funny how when you look at a photo it brings back the memories from that day.

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