Bank holiday clear out

We had a clear out over the weekend. There are cupboards in the boys bedroom were full of paperwork and old bits and bobs which we have not touched since E moved into that room when he was two and a half (he’ll be 6 this month!)

Bank holiday clear out

There were piles and piles of outdated paperwork and bills and amongst those, folders from when I planned our wedding…samples of card, paper and all sorts.

It was really nice to come across the wedding bits again and it brought back memories of our special day. I also came across a couple of keepsake boxes – one which had all my hen do bits and pieces and one full of wedding items such as our wedding invite and guestbook.

Weirdly enough I also kept brochures and booklets of when we were looking for wedding rings. I remember struggling to decide on the style of ring I wanted to go for. I looked at antique rings, contemporary and classic bands but because my engagement ring was V-shaped it was hard to find something that would sit under it nicely without having to have it custom made.

We traipsed around numerous jewellery shops and luckily spotted something in the window of an independent jewellery shop in Richmond that fit exactly – it was fate!

My wedding ring

Now we’ve had a clear out and have made more room (we took three bin bags full of toys/clothes to charity as well as lots of rubbish to the tip) we can finally start looking at buying new furniture to house the boy’s clothes and store their toys.

I’m getting ahead of myself though…before then though we need to decide what colour to paint the walls first.

Decisions… decisions…

* Collaborative post


  1. Jess Powell

    That ring is gorgeous! And well done on the sort out too – we had a big one about a month ago but already it feels like all the space we made is full again… lol. x #picknmix

  2. Megan Bidmead

    Love your ring. And I really enjoy a good declutter. Very therapeutic! #picknmix

  3. Your ring is beautiful! I need to tackle our spare room soon, it is full of so much it’s ridiculous. Thanks for linking up to #PicknMix

    Stevie x

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