
A look at four healthy foods for your kids

Keeping a child on a healthy and balanced diet can be a tricky task, especially if they’re snacking away from home or eating different types of foods while staying at a friend’s house. As parents, we can’t always control what our children are eating. Healthy snacks can help, but ideally, you want your child to enjoy full meals which are long-lasting and healthy. It’s not always easy to achieve, though.

We have all been there after a long and stressful day at work, where the last thing you want to do is some time-consuming cooking. Likewise, we’ve all been stuck in traffic jams, delaying a planned meal and resulting in the option of a takeaway. As mum’s, we work hard, and cooking can occasionally fall to the back of our minds after a busy day. Switching off on the sofa with a game of online roulette at MansionCasino while the kids scoff down a takeaway pizza is a tempting scenario, but in truth, it won’t do your child’s health any good in the long-term. Children need to nourish their bodies at such a crucial stage of their development, whether it’s through healthy fats for their brain or calcium for their bones. It’s vitally important.

So, to help take any potential stress away from feeding your child, here’s a list of healthy, easy to prepare foods for kids.



A humble superfood, beans are an excellent option for your child. Not only are they incredibly tasty and easy to prepare, beans such as black beans, chickpeas or kidney beans also contain loads of fibre and protein, which is fantastic when it comes to helping your child feel fuller for longer, while also aiding healthy digestion. They’re easy to prepare too, with most beans ready to eat after a quick rinse. From there, they’re ideal for meals such as quesadillas or even adding to a pasta dish.


A simple egg on toast or some scrambled eggs with avocado and tomato is a great start to any day. Not many people know it, but eggs are extremely good for you. An egg is certainly better for you than a heavy pastry or a yoghurt loaded with sugar, that’s for sure. One large egg contains 6 grams of protein, they’re rich in iron, alongside having vitamin D and vitamin B12. Some eggs help aid brain development in a child as they’re fortified with omega-3 fatty acids, too. Away from breakfast, eggs can be enjoyed for dinner too in an egg salad or an egg casserole. Eggs are easy to prepare also.

Whole grains

Whole grains contain large amounts of fibre which is hugely important for a child’s diet, enabling them to feel fuller for longer. It’s suggested that kids have 25g of fibre a day, which can be easily achieved with a delicious whole-wheat pasta bake, or a whole-wheat tortilla wrap packed full of salad and other good stuff. Be sure to look for 100-per cent whole wheat or whole grain in the ingredients list or packaging, though, as it can be misleading. Some products suggest they have more fibre in them than the food actually contains.



We should all be eating more fish, but especially our kids. Fish is high in omega-3 fatty acids, which is important for our brain, nervous system and our heart. As well as being relatively quick to prepare and cook, fish is incredibly tasty too! Unsure how to fit fish into your child’s diet? Try dishes like a fish pie, fish cakes, and homemade fish fingers.

Other foods to consider are soups, omelettes and stews.

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