
Dentist and shopping – Living Arrows 3/52

Both boys had a dentist appointment on Friday. E has had a tooth that has needed to come out for a while now but he’s been reluctant to wobble it. He seems to have developed a bit of a fear about teeth in general so its taken a lot of coaxing to get him to see the dentist. That particular tooth was making his gums sore which in turn, meant he wasn’t brushing his teeth properly hence the dentist visit. It ended up with both of them having a tooth extracted each. Luckily, M has not developed the same fear E has and he was happy to have his removed. E was really brave considering his fear and I am just so pleased that the pesky tooth is finally out!


We didn’t have any real plans over the weekend but we popped into Kingston on Saturday for some lunch and so that M could have a look around the toy shops to see what he would like for his birthday. I can’t believe he is going to be 7!

This weeks photos are from the very glamourous cafe at B&Q! We popped there on Sunday as we needed to get a new motion sensor light for our porch.


I’m sharing weekly photos of the boys to celebrate their childhood and linking up to the Living Arrows linky

You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth
Khalil Gibran

Living Arrows

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3 thoughts on “Dentist and shopping – Living Arrows 3/52”

  1. I’m glad to hear the dentist trip was successful. Toby has his 8th wobbly tooth at the moment and he doesn’t like wobbling them either, and when they get very wobbly he worries a lot that he’s going to swallow them in his sleep too! It’s tricky growing up isn’t? #LivingArrows

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