8 things parents want from school reports

School reports are excellent ways to monitor the overall progress of a child as well as to determine any learning issues that may require additional attention. These reports can also provide parents with a great deal of insight in regard to how their child is adapting to a classroom environment. Let us look at eight important metrics with which parents and caregivers should be provided with.


Progress in core areas such as Reading and Maths

Of course, these reports will always contain detailed information in relation to reading, maths and other basic subjects. Such metrics can be used to determine if any extra help may be necessary.

Social skills

How is the child interacting with others? Does he or she have friends or is do peer interactions seem to represent a problem? We need to remember that social skills can be used to check for the presence of underlying developmental issues.


While this is a broad area, it is still important to mention. How hard does the child try when performing challenging tasks or when learning new material. Effort can be used to gauge enthusiasm and therefore, it is a great way to understand how the child is enjoying his or her educational experience.

Personalised comments from the Teacher

The teacher should likewise record comments about the child in question. This information can provide additional insight and subsequent recommendations can be used to develop a more targeted approach to learning. The Educater school report writing online platform represents a user-friendly means to record, track and interpret important metrics. These details can then be shared with the appropriate individuals

Strengths and potential weaknesses

All children will excel in certain subjects and require additional help in others. Including this information within a school report will illustrate what additional steps (if any) may need to be taken in order to provide well-rounded educational opportunities.

Achievements within the Classroom

Noting the achievements of a child is likewise a great way to begin to appreciate his or her talents at an early stage. Perfect attendance records, becoming a team leader, and excellent penmanship are a handful of possible examples.

Attendance Records

Attendance records can shed a significant amount of light upon the overall developmental status of a child. Not only will these records illustrate the physical health of a student, but they may also be used to spot potential issues such as an aversion to classroom settings or even psychosomatic disorders (for instance, if a child always appears to become ill immediately before an examination).

Any additional comments or suggestions from the child

It is becoming increasingly common for children to include their own comments within a school report. They can express what they enjoyed the most, what subjects were the most challenging and any aspects of the learning process they would like to have changed.

School reports will provide amazing levels of insight if compiled properly. Thankfully, modern software platforms can streamline the entire process and keep parents “in the loop” at all times.

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