7 Reasons why you should pre-plan your own funeral

In many cultures, the subject of death is considered taboo and makes many people feel uncomfortable. However, nowadays, discussing one’s funeral is becoming more and more normal, as it allows a person to express their wishes to their family. There are many reasons why you should start thinking about your funeral, and we’ll be discussing seven of them in the guide below.


Honour your wishes

It’s a given that when you pass away, your family will do their best to prepare a funeral that honours you and the memories you left behind. However, no matter how much effort they put into the ceremony, they’ll never plan it as you wish. People usually have wishes when thinking about their future, and a funeral is no different. Whether you want your ceremony to follow specific religious customs or want to be cremated post mortem, your family won’t know these wishes unless you state and pre-plan them. Therefore, sitting with your family and discussing your funeral plans is essential.

Have more time

Most funerals are planned in a rush, causing the deceased’s family to make hasty decisions and stray off from the departed’s wishes. Pre-planning your funeral helps you avoid this issue and allows you to arrange the ceremony methodically. You will have more time arranging your own funeral, which allows you to focus on all the minor details your family might miss when rushing the funeral post mortem. It’ll help you get all the details right and have the funeral you want, as mentioned above.

Lessen the burden on your family

A reason that links to all the ones we mentioned prior and the ones we’ll mention later—arranging your own funeral will lessen the burden on your family. As the Perth-based funeral directors at  Funeral Care explain, handling funeral arrangements takes a lot of time, effort, and resources, which might be extremely stressful for your loved ones who are grieving their loss. Whether it’s collecting the necessary finances, buying the right casket or urn, or renting the right venue, these procedures add more pressure on your family and might take a toll on their wellbeing. Pre-arranging your funeral will ensure your loved ones’ have time to grieve and eliminate any possible disagreements or confusion they might face when planning the funeral.

Give your family the grieving they deserve

Arranging your own funeral can be the driving force for your family’s healing process. A funeral is a crucial event needed by grieving families. It’s an event that provides psychological comfort as it brings a sense of closure to your loved ones. Setting up the funeral you want will benefit your family socially and emotionally as they’ll give you a proper send-off. As mentioned before, it’s quite difficult for one’s family to plan a befitting funeral in such a short time.

A proper payment plan

Pre-planning your funeral ceremony allows you the time to look into the different types of funding options. Often, when an individual passes away, their family never has the time to make the proper financial preparations, especially when the death was unexpected. To collect the money, some families might have to rely on loans or their life savings to prepare for the funeral, which is a financial burden. Pre-planning will give you ample time to decide whether you want to prepay your funeral contract, set up a funeral trust, or sign-up for life insurance. The options are endless.

Avoid rising prices

Following on from the previous point, setting up a proper payment plan will help you avoid inflation price increases and economic changes. Like any other product or service, funeral services and their accompanying items change their prices according to the changes in society. When your family has to prepare your funeral ceremony, sudden inflation will make everything more expensive for them; it’s a financial burden you can easily eliminate from their lives. Pre-planning is an effective step you must take as some funeral homes offer discounts for this service; it’s a way for both you and your family to save money.

Work with the right people

Another benefit of arranging your funeral is the option of choosing the people you want to work with. Choosing the right people to take care of your funeral is essential to have the ceremony you want and deserve. Look into several funeral homes, catering services, and casket and coffin shops.


It’s also important to choose the right funeral director. The director you choose must have a great dynamic with you and your family and console your loved ones when the time comes while keeping your wishes intact. This is why it’s important to pre-arrange your funeral as you pick the right people for the job.

These are the most important reasons why you should plan your own funeral. It ensures that you and your family are on the same page and eliminates the family’s pressure and stress having to plan a funeral. So don’t hesitate to start thinking about the arrangements you want.

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