
6 simple ways to make your home feel less cluttered

It’s like Dorothy said in The Wizard of Oz – there’s no place like home. Your house is where you come to rest, to relax, to unwind after a long day of work or whatever it is that keeps you busy. It should be an oasis of calm, a retreat, a pool of serenity for you to dip into to recharge your batteries.

But what happens if your home becomes so cluttered that it’s impossible to chill out? Luckily for you, in this helpful blog, we’re going to share six simple ways to make your home feel less cluttered.


Get a shoe cabinet

Having some form of shoe storage is one of the first things you should consider. Having shoes strewn about your house can add to the feeling of cramped clutter. Place your shoe cabinet near your front door, and instigate a “no shoes inside” policy, for your family and guests. A bonus to this rule is you’ll notice less dirt and debris on your floors, as shoes are the main culprit for tracking grime in.


Tidy every day

Rather than letting the mess build up each week and doing a huge tidy on the weekend, taking up your valuable free time, tidy a little bit each day. It can be in the morning before work or when you get home before you get dinner ready. Pick up loose items, clear the benches, and give a few rooms a once over. If you get into this habit each day you’ll quickly witness the clutter dissolve.

Invest in nifty storage solutions

Part of what causes clutter is a lack of adequate storage solutions. You can invest in nifty cube storage for those odds and ends, and a gas lift bed base is a great idea – you can put all the linen, blankets and other large fabric items underneath.


Does it spark joy?

Who hasn’t heard of Marie Kondo by now? Her method of checking if an item sparks joy is a great tip to follow if it doesn’t – donate it to the needy. Another good method is seeing if you’ve used or worn the item in the last year. If not, you can probably stand to get rid of it.

Make Some Money

Did you know you could profit from decluttering? Your trash could be another person’s treasure. Use online marketplaces like Facebook, Gumtree and eBay to sell your old unwanted items. You could walk away better off than you were before you started the decluttering process.

Got kids? Create a dedicated play zone

Kids can be a huge cause of clutter, as somehow their toys will find their way into every nook and cranny of your home. Try to cut this off at the pass by creating a play zone or playroom. They can play with their toys there, leaving the rest of the home neat and tidy.

A clutter-free conclusion

Shoe storage is a brilliant way to keep your home neat, and you’ll notice a reduction in the amount of dirt tracked in too. Tidy a little bit each day, to avoid a huge job on the weekends. Just make it part of your routine. Invest in creative and nifty storage tubs, boxes and creative solutions. Ask yourself if the item sparks joy, or if you’ve used/worn it in the last year. Try to make some money on various online marketplaces, and you might just profit from your decluttering. Finally, let the kids have a dedicated play zone to try and stop the toys from invading the other areas of your house.

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