4 secrets to a perfect cup of morning coffee

Starting your day with a good cup of coffee can boost your mood for the whole day. However, if your favourite coffee shop with commercial coffee machines is closed, you cannot rely on your barista to serve your daily cup. If your morning ends up like this, you might be thinking of brewing a good cup of coffee for yourself.

Whether you drink four or five cups per day, learning how to make your coffee could significantly save you some money. Frequent coffee drinkers across all age-groups have a seemingly insatiable thirst for coffee. Because of this, the number of coffee shops in major cities across the world has increased significantly. If you want to brew the perfect coffee, keep these four simple secrets in mind.

Ensure you grind the beans before brewing

Most coffee lovers prefer purchasing pre-ground beans since this saves you time in the morning, especially if you’re in a hurry. However, it will help if you understand that ground coffee loses flavour over time because of prolonged air exposure. This makes it less tasteful when brewed. This is why we recommend having the best coffee maker with grinder, which can significantly shorten your morning coffee preparation ritual. Additionally, it’s also good to store your beans in a container with an airtight seal. This keeps the beans flavorful and fresh for an extended period. Grinding beans yourself is not an easy process. This is why it’s vital to invest in the right kind of grinder. It would be best to have an efficient grinder that can produce a more consistent product than a cheap grinder.

Go for the best coffee

Coffee drinkers and wine drinkers have one quality amongst them: snobbism. If you want to venture into the world of coffee making, it would be best to venture beyond mass-marketed commercial brands. We recommend going for speciality coffee that has details of its country, region, and estate. This will give you a lifetime of tasting experiences. The two common beans in the market are Robusta and Arabica. The latter is widely produced and has a broader range of options. Ideally, they are considered better beans.

Additionally, ensure you look for 100 percent Arabica beans. If you’re planning for a small expenditure, you can go for Robusta beans. These beans are noted for their high caffeine levels but also harsh flavours. Did you know Arabica fanatics refer to Robusta coffees as nasty? However, if your barista budget is low, you can find some grocery stores that deliver your favourite coffee at half the price of fancy coffee beans.

Weigh the coffee beans

It would help if you understood that each brewing method requires different ground coffee beans and water ratio. If you think using too little will do the trick, no, you will end up with no flavour. Additionally, using too much means you get thick mud. We recommend finding a balance between the number of beans for your brewer and how many cups you can make at a time. For instance, the standard drip machine uses one tablespoon of coffee for each cup of water. It would be best to measure your coffee beans with a kitchen scale. This ensures that you have the perfect amount for your taste and brewing technique.

Another thing is to think about how much water is too much or how little is too little. Ideally, coffee is nothing more than coffee beans and water. After selecting the right beans, the next logical step is to measure the water. Ensure you use clean and cold water at all times. Bottled water or tap water will often produce the best cup of coffee every time.

Keep the coffee beans fresh

Ensure you store the beans in an airtight container. We recommend going for glass canning jars or ceramic storage crocks that have a rubber-gasket. Also, refrain from refrigerating your beans. This is because roasted beans are porous and will absorb moisture and food odour easily. Seasoned coffee experts advise against freezing coffee, especially the dark roasts. If you want to maintain the best results, you can buy a weekly supply of fresh coffee beans at a time. Always keep them at room temperature.

Additionally, you will also need to monitor the heat levels. Hot water will extract compounds in the coffee; This leaves you with a bitter rather than a pleasant taste. The best water temperature for brewing is 200 degrees Fahrenheit. Also, boiling the water for 45 seconds will do fine.

As a bonus tip, ensure that you keep your equipment clean. This involves cleaning your grinder and storage containers every week to remove any dirt and dust buildup. We would recommend using a robust solution of vinegar to clean your coffee maker. Using a combination of one or all these tips will help you brew the best coffee. With that, we wish you an incredible coffee-making adventure!

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