
4 reasons why snakes make great pets

Having cats in the house is out of the question for most people, but having a snake in the house is unthinkable. However, there are several benefits to snakes that you may not be aware of, making them among the greatest pets you can have. Let’s look at these reasons and see if you can change your mind.


They do not need a lot of maintenance

You are accurate in your assumption that a snake will be a less demanding companion than a dog or a cat. They don’t need to be walked, don’t shed, and spend most of their time in their cages. This makes them an excellent apartment pet or a pet for someone who is unable to keep up with the routine of a more common pet. You also want to sense a snake’s presence, much like you would with a dog or cat. We all know how dogs want your affection and love, but snakes don’t require nearly as much, and cats just remember to come to you when they need you. To maintain your snake’s environment healthy, a hygrometer, which monitors moisture in the air, is a must-have. Low humidity may make it harder for snakes to glide easily out of their skin during shedding season. When required, spray your snake’s enclosure, add extra water dishes, or add moistened moss.

Feeding time

Many individuals who keep snakes as pets suffer from one big flaw: snakes aren’t vegetarians. Snakes eat mice, rats, frogs, and, on rare occasions, rabbits, not neatly packaged pellets or seeds. If you don’t mind having a freezer full of dead mice, most snakes will eat pre-killed food, making it more convenient for you. Pre-killed food may aid in the prevention of scratches and bites in your pet. Some snakes may need to be trained to take pre-killed food, and some will refuse to eat it at all, so be ready to feed your snake live prey. In this case, you can go to where they talk about how you can breed your own animals that you can feed the snake. If you have children and think they are too young to comprehend the cycle of life, you may want to reconsider getting a pet at this time. Also, if you appreciate watching nature’s life cycle, you will enjoy seeing how the reptile consumes its food; nevertheless, it is not recommended for persons who easily vomit. Snakes must also be able to drink and bathe in a dish of clean water. The water can also help to keep the humidity levels in their enclosure at a healthy level.

A great showpiece

People aren’t used to seeing snakes, therefore many people would leap at the chance to view a live snake in someone’s house and maybe touch it. Also, because the great majority of people cannot sit where such beings exist, because they are too afraid, you may be able to get rid of some of the people you dislike, or at the very least, they will spend less time at your place when they visit. Snakes occur in a variety of colours and sizes, and there are many distinct kinds. Some individuals enjoy holding them and handling them while posing for photographs.

Easy housing

Snakes require a comfortable environment in which to digest their food, shed their skin, and sleep. It is, nevertheless, relatively simple to keep them satisfied. A 20-gallon transparent terrarium lined with shavings from a reptile shop will suffice. Remember to use a UV lamp for 10-12 hours every day as a heat source. Snakes have a cold-blooded nature and require additional light and heat to remain healthy. Instead of overhead bulbs, which can stress the snake, under-tank heating pads are the ideal technique of administering heat. Warm only one side of the tank to provide your snake a variety of microclimates, and monitor the warm and cool temperatures with a thermometer on each side of the habitat. When constructing a terrarium, the most important thing to remember is to keep it safe. Snakes can escape, and if they do, they’ll be in more danger than you. Weigh down the terrarium with hefty stones to keep the snake safe, and inspect it frequently for fractures or damage. When you need to clean out your snake’s home, have an extra terrarium on hand.

Fill the habitat’s bottom with bedding (also known as substrate) that your new pet can burrow into. Snakes can burrow through aspen and cypress shavings as they would in the wild, and it’s a natural, odourless solution. Clean the bedding frequently to remove droppings, and replace it regularly.


Owning a snake may be difficult if you don’t know what to do or how to do it. It’s great if you can get some advice from someone who can help you prepare things and tell you what to expect.

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