3 tips on how to find a good lawyer to help you with your personal injury case

We often ask ourselves, “why do good things happen to bad people?”, which is, of course, a rhetorical question. It’s true, bad things happen in general, and sometimes you need to make sure you have the relevant protection in your corner. Whether you’ve been hurt on the job or during a routine medical exam, you may need to hire a personal injury lawyer to help you out. However, personal injury lawyers are perhaps a bit too plentiful, and you need to find the right one to help you with your case. Here are a few failsafe tips to help you find a good lawyer who will fight for your rights and secure adequate compensation.



The first thing you should always look at is the level of expertise. The more experience the lawyer has in personal injury law, with a track record of successful cases, the likelier they are to succeed in your case. No matter how peculiar you think your injury or circumstances are, a good lawyer has seen pretty much everything, and they’ll know how to navigate the system. They’ll get how the local and federal courts may want to have your case play out, and they’ll also understand all the tricks an insurance company plays in these scenarios. A personal injury lawyer with experience under their belt will know how to answer your questions and can ensure that you receive a decent settlement.

Rules of Engagement

Most lawyers are happy to meet with potential clients for a free consultation. This gives you a chance to feel them out and see how they can be of service to you. As you can see on this site the attorney-client relationship is vital, and so the way in which you are able to communicate with one another and stay engaged should be taken into consideration. Some lawyers take a highly aggressive approach, which they think shows them to be fighters willing to go to bat for their clients. However, if they’re aggressive with you, the client, then it might not be a comfortable relationship. You need to feel comfortable, and ensure that your lawyer is willing to listen. If they aren’t then they may not be worth hiring.

Basically, a good lawyer will be ready to answer the questions you may have and be willing to listen patiently to your story and understand the circumstances. They should also come off as friendly, professional, and strong communicators who can explain the nitty-gritty details of the law and legal process without dragging you into a cloud of difficult-to-decipher legalese. Also, another added bonus goes to lawyers who are willing to travel and can help you go wherever you need. Since you’re injured, you’re probably struggling with limited mobility. Your lawyer should understand that and be accommodating.


Personal injury lawyers have a reputation as ambulance chasers and people who are willing to overcharge everyone involved. This is an unfair characterization, but it can hold some water. There are in fact lots of lawyers out there who aren’t terribly professional and look at personal injury cases as nothing more than a meal ticket. Before hiring a lawyer, make sure that their payment system makes sense, works within your budget, and definitely reads all the fine print. There’s nothing worse than winning your case, only to find that you have to give the lawyer a huge fee that won’t go to covering your medical bills.

To help you figure out if you found a good one, make sure to ask the relevant questions: is the first consultation for free? Also, do they work on a contingency fee basis, meaning that you only pay the fees after the case has been won? Or, they need to be paid upfront? Also, check on whether they are able to provide a cash advance to help cover costs before the verdict has been reached. Launching these types of legal cases are always pricey, and there are fees that need to be taken care of before you’re able to win your case. Also, definitely ask about the kind of resources they can offer. For example, are they able to connect you with medical professionals to help your case, or should you find them and pay for them on your own?


You never know when you may need a personal injury lawyer. Sadly, accidents happen every day, and some workplace policies and corporate structures do terribly egregious things. Don’t get yourself stuck in the mud, losing work pay, and staving off medical bills – hiring a good lawyer will help you figure out what to do next.

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