3 solutions to your kids leaving their lights on all day

Do your kids keep leaving their bedroom lights on? Is it worse than that, and they’re leaving every single light in the house on? It is such a simple bad habit to slip into, yet you’ll be shocked at how much energy this wastes all year round. Unless your kids are willing to contribute to the energy bill, this is a habit that needs to be stopped. Or, at the very least, you should reduce the impact this habit has on your energy bills.

Remember, money isn’t the only issue with expensive energy bills. The more energy you use, the more resources you drain from the planet. Think about this from an eco-friendly perspective, and you realise that finding ways to stop the lights from being left on and reducing the impact when they’re on is a top priority.


What can you do? Here are three possible solutions:

Smart Light Bulbs

Installing smart bulbs in your home is arguably the most revolutionary way of preventing this bad habit. Essentially, a smart bulb can be controlled via an app on your phone. Therefore, as long as you have an internet connection, you can turn the lights on or off from anywhere. It negates instances where you leave the house and your kids forgot to turn their lights off, only for you to realise when you get home. You can check the app, turn any lights that are on, off, and everything is fine. These bulbs can also be dimmed, further reducing the energy used in your home.

LED Lights

If you don’t want or can’t afford smart light bulbs, another option is to choose LED ones. Something like a Lepro LED bulb will be more than adequate, and it offers good energy efficiency compared to other light types. The whole purpose of LED lights is to be less energy-consuming than other versions. In fact, you should also look for LED smart bulbs if you can afford them. You get the best of both worlds – a smart device that you can control from anywhere, and the energy efficiency of an LED.


Okay, at first glance this sounds pretty brutal! However, stay with me on this one, your kids need to learn that there are consequences for leaving the light on. So, you should punish them to let them know that this is bad and needs to stop. The punishments don’t have to be harsh, just something like restricting their screen time in the evening to compensate for all the energy they’ve wasted. Slowly but surely, your child will realise that turning the lights off is worth it if it means they get their phone back in the evenings or can watch Netflix again! It’s never nice to ‘punish’ your kids, but this is a good way to teach them that certain habits are bad and need to be stopped.

There you go, three solutions to your kids leaving their lights on all day. Two of these can stop the habit for good, while the other is beneficial from a reducing the impact perspective.

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