
10 popular posts of 2016

A new year awaits and many of us will be looking at things we can do to better ourselves. Whether it’s blogging related or more personal related goals, there is always something about the New Year that makes us feel like we should be doing the whole “out with the old, in with the new” thing. Before doing so, I would like to take a look back at ten of my most popular posts in 2016.

In 2015, I wrote 201 posts and in 2016 I managed 296 – 95 posts more than the year before! Stats wise, I managed to triple my page views and more than doubled the number of visitors. Of which I am really surprised about. I have worked really hard in trying to grow my blog last year and I am so pleased that the results are paying off. I started earning a regular monthly income too and I hope this continues for 2017.

Here are 10 of my most popular posts of 2016:

Sometimes…you just need to stop

I wrote this post as a reminder to stop and just live in the moment. It’s so easy to get caught up in all the day-to-day chores that need doing. They are constant and endless. It’s such a cliché but my boys are just growing up so quickly. The baby days have gone by in a flash and before I know it they will be grumpy teenagers and so I need to enjoy the cuddles I get with them whilst I can!

A note from the nursery bear

A tongue in cheek post from the nursery bear that came to stay with us for the weekend!


The headache of the school application

It’s a tough choice to have to make – especially the first time round when you are effectively choosing blind. You want your child to be happy and make friends but what also comes into play, especially in the area we live in is how close you live to the school you want your child to go to.

10 things I’ve learnt in two years of blogging

I’ve been blogging for just over two years now and I wrote this post back in September of all the many things I have learnt. I don’t think there will ever come a point where I will stop learning new things through blogging!

Kids fall asleep in the most random places

M can fall asleep literally anywhere so I thought it would be fun to put together this post of the many weird and wonderful places that he and others bloggers children have fallen asleep.

My amazing mother-in-law

I don’t give my mother-in-law enough credit for all that she does for the boys. I love that they are so close and have such a close bond.

When did flying with kids become relaxing?

I’ve had a shocking experience on a long-haul flight with M before so it was a very pleasant experience to have a rather relaxing flight on our trip to Lisbon back in October.

This working mum

It’s not easy juggling work, a house and the boys and as much as it’s nice to have your own space to be “you” at work it can also be hard to feel you are missing out on certain things and this post is about just that.

My three year old has a brown tooth!

M bashed his tooth around the beginning of last year but we didn’t notice until it started going brown and by then I started to worry that he would have to lose it!

Feeling sorry for myself

I had some health issues at the beginning of last year. I suffered from terrible migraines, dizziness and tinnitus – thankfully it all got sorted with some medication.

So that’s my top 10 posts of 2016, if you are interested you can also read my 10 most popular posts of 2015.

About The Author

7 thoughts on “10 popular posts of 2016”

  1. I find that blogging is a wonderful way to expand and grow while learning new skills. Sounds like you have a very full, active life. Sending you warm thoughts for growth in 2017! #KCACOLS

  2. I had a look at a couple of your posts but my favourite was httpkids fall asleep random places. I particularly enjoyed the child asleep across two chairs!

    Also well done on your growth! Sounds like you’ve had a great year, all the best for 2017!

  3. These are great posts, I’m not surprised they were so popular! I’m so glad you got the migraines sorted out too. Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next Sunday xx

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