Why are my teeth yellow?

Do you have yellow teeth and are wondering why your teeth are yellow and what you can do about it? You’re not alone. In fact, around 40% of Brits are unhappy with and are concerned about their dental health, including the yellow appearance of teeth. This is a common concern, and there are solutions available to help you improve the colour of your teeth.

Before we delve into the causes of yellow teeth and how to improve their appearance, it’s crucial to understand that off-white teeth are perfectly healthy. The dazzling white smiles you see on TV aren’t always a realistic representation of a healthy smile.

Why are my teeth yellow?

However, if your teeth are yellow, it could be due to the following issues.

Why Are My Teeth Yellow: 5 Causes of Yellow Teeth

There are many answers as to why are my teeth yellow; however, the following are the most common reasons.


Your diet can be a big reason your teeth are yellow. From the tannins in red wine to the species in different foods, the colours of fruit such as blueberries, etc., many foods have properties that can cause staining. For instance, dark-pigmented foods and drinks, such as cola, soy sauce, tea, and coffee, can all impact the colour of your teeth and cause staining over time. Other examples include curry, balsamic vinegar, and beetroot.


When you smoke or use tobacco products, you expose your teeth to the harmful chemicals in what you smoke. Over time, the nicotine and tobacco can cause a buildup on your teeth, giving them a yellow hue that can and will get darker over time. On top of this, it can lead to many other health issues and dental concerns , but from a discolouration standpoint, smoking is a significant reason why your teeth are yellow.

Poor Oral Hygiene

If you’re not brushing your teeth properly, a buildup of plaque will give your teeth a yellow appearance. This is because the residue from the foods and drinks you consume, such as coffee and tea, can stick to the plaque, increasing the rate at which your teeth turn yellow. So, it’s not just about the neglect of brushing but also about the accumulation of food and drink residues that contribute to the yellowing of your teeth.


Some medications are known to cause discolouration of the teeth, especially for those who took them before the age of 8. This is because these medications can affect the development of enamel, the protective layer of the teeth. If you regularly take medications, it’s worth checking if this is a known side effect so you know what you’re dealing with. Your dentist or healthcare provider can provide more information on this.


As we get older, the level of enamel on our teeth reduces. This natural process exposes the yellow dentin underneath, making your teeth look yellow. This doesn’t happen overnight and is built up over time. It’s important to note that this is a natural part of ageing and is the largest cause of yellow teeth in older adults. However, maintaining good oral hygiene and avoiding teeth-staining foods and drinks can help slow down this process.

How to Get Whiter Teeth

If any of the above 5 points resonate with you, there are solutions to explore. Rest assured, you can take steps to restore your teeth to a healthy white colour, and in turn, feel healthier and more confident.

Improve Hygiene

Improving your dental hygiene is one of the best ways to help you remove any yellowing of the teeth caused by poor oral care and food and drink sources. You need to brush your teeth twice daily, floss and use mouthwash to help you maintain a healthy mouth and white teeth.

Reduce Teeth-Staining Foods, Drinks and Smoking

Stopping smoking can improve the colour of your teeth as you won’t be subjecting them to ongoing tobacco and nicotine exposure every day. If you eat many foods that can impact your teeth, as mentioned above, limiting these can help you reduce the incidences where your teeth might become stained. It can also be a good idea to rinse your mouth with water after eating or drinking these products to help you wash away any residue from your mouth and avoid them sticking to your teeth.

Teeth Whitening Treatments

If you feel that your teeth need more help than over-the-counter products, then it could be worth talking to a dentist in Marlborough to discuss professional teeth whitening treatments. These treatments can include in-office procedures such as laser whitening or take-home kits with custom-made trays and professional-grade whitening gel. Both options can help you revive the colour of your teeth and restore your pearly whites.

Multiple factors can contribute to tooth yellowing, including age, smoking, food, drinks, and poor hygiene practices. However, you can rectify this issue by paying attention to how you care for your teeth and mouth and eliminating cases of yellow teeth from your life to help you get that nice white colour back into your mouth.

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