What is specialty formula and how can it benefit your child?

Every parent realises at some point that their child is a bit different. In terms of eating and proper nutrition, it is important to recognise these differences and provide for the specific dietary needs of your child.

There are many factors to consider when planning a personalised nutritional plan for your child. Specialty formulas are a great option for their ability to cater to diverse needs. In fact specialty formula, it is an umbrella term that encompasses the wide variety of formulas designed and dedicated to providing high-quality nutrition for diverse dietary needs.


Let’s look a little more closely at what specialty formulas are and how they can benefit your child.

What Is Specialty Formula?

Whereas most infant formulas are made from cow’s milk due to its ready availability and its balanced nutritional profile, many infants are unable to tolerate these products for a variety of reasons. Specialty formulas refer to any formula products that cater to the needs of those children who need high-quality and balanced nutrition but are unable to enjoy traditional formulas.

Good For Lactose-Intolerance

One common condition that prevents young children from reaping the benefits of cow’s milk formulas is lactose-intolerance. For a variety of reasons, young children are unable to digest the lactose in cow’s milk which leads to stomach irritation and a lack of proper nutrition. If you notice that your child is irritable during feeding time with traditional formulas or even breastmilk, then it is worthwhile to research and find where they sell formula that is lactose-free.

These formulas are enriched and fortified with everything that a growing baby needs. They will also ensure that their lactose-intolerance does not represent an obstacle to their proper development.

Perfect For Every Lifestyle

Many parents seek to instil their values into their children. For some parents who follow a vegan diet, for example, providing their child with a formula derived from cow’s milk might not be an ethically viable option. However, these parents still require a means of providing their child with nutritionally dense foods.

Fortunately, specialty formulas exist which cater to this market. Plant-based formulas, for example, are a vegan-friendly option that includes many of the same nutrients as cow’s milk formulas. However, these products often need to be fortified to provide a nutritional profile as sufficient as cow’s milk. Therefore, it is essential to read the labels of these products if you are planning to use them to avoid any dietary deficiencies in your child.

Boost Your Baby’s Growth

Specialty formulas also exist for premature babies who are a bit behind in terms of development. Formulated with extra calcium, protein, and calories than conventional formulas, these options are ideal for rapidly increasing the weight of your child. These preterm formulas help to ensure that your child will catch up to their peers and meet each of their developmental milestones on time. Make sure to consult with a physician if planning to continue with these specialty formulas for an extended period of time.

Anti-Reflux Assistance

Some babies suffer from excessive acid reflux because their digestive system has not yet fully developed. If you notice that your child is spitting up their food more than you might expect, then a thicker formula enhanced with starch is recommended. This specialty formula is easier for such children to keep down and digest.

Always Consult With A Physician

These specialty formulas are immensely helpful for ensuring that your child is well-fed despite any condition or lifestyle choice. However, as with any other major changes to your baby’s diet or care, make sure to consult with a physician before starting to incorporate these products into your baby’s routine.

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