Craft Corner: Two easy Christmas Crafts

Christmas is just around the corner and I am starting to feel festive! This month’s craft is, of course, Christmas related. We started a tradition to buy new decorations every year and add them to the tree. M was tasked with creating a Christmas decoration for school so I thought I’d join in the fun and make some of our own too!

Lolly Stick Christmas Trees


To create these, you will need the following:

  • Lolly sticks
  • Some string (we used some coloured yarn)
  • Range of beads, sequins or pom-poms
  • Bostik Glu Dots
  • PVA Glue

1. Take three lolly sticks, and cut around an inch off one of them. This will be the base of your tree. Using Glu Dots stick the other two lolly sticks onto each side of the base, as pictured below.



2. Then cut some string or yarn and stick onto the top before sticking down the lolly stick, creating your tree.


3. Next, using PVA Glue stick down some sequins, beads or pom-poms to decorate your tree. We used a big pom-pom for the top of the tree but you could add a star.


Christmas Bauble Card

You will need:

  • Card
  • Various buttons
  • Black Pen
  • PVA Glue

1. Fold your card in half and arrange your buttons in different heights, similar to the photo shown below


2. Once you are happy with your arrangement, stick them down using PVA glue

3 Finally, using a black pen draw lines for each button and draw a bow. Finally, write your message along the bottom. Your Christmas Bauble card is now finished!

*I’m a Bostik Craft Blogger and we were sent a box of crafts from Bostik in order to create these items.

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2 thoughts on “Craft Corner: Two easy Christmas Crafts”

  1. Pingback: Snow Day Craft Ideas from the Bostik Bloggers | Tots 100

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