A Tank-filled weekend – Living Arrows 27/53

This week’s Living Arrow photos are from our weekend away in Dorset. We spent the weekend in Bovington at The Tank Museum for Tankfest. It was our first visit so we weren’t entirely sure what to expect but the boys had an absolute blast.


By Saturday afternoon we were all suffering from the heat so we left Tankfest early and went to Kimmeridge Bay for a couple of hours to cool off. It was just what we needed to end the day with.

We had such a lovely weekend -being able to see the countryside and spending a couple of hours on the beach seems to give me a sense of calm. It’s definitely something I’d like regularly.


Now Tankfest has been and gone, the boys are on a countdown to our holiday to Spain in a couple of weeks. I think I need to start thinking about booking our next break after that so we have something else to look forward to!

I’m sharing weekly photos of the boys to celebrate their childhood and linking up to the Living Arrows linky

You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth
Khalil Gibran

Living Arrows

About The Author

2 thoughts on “A Tank-filled weekend – Living Arrows 27/53”

  1. Randomly we’ve just arranged a weekend in September staying near the Tank Museum and it came up on a Google map search yesterday when I was looking at places to visit. I’d never heard of it before but it looks like a fantastic day out! x

  2. Wow, looks like they had so much fun!! My son would love this! Funny, my brother used to work at the tank musuem as a student (we are from nearby), but I never got around to visiting! We’ll have to go back sometime when we are visiting my parents, I think the kids would love it. Great photos. xx

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