
How to keep your kids entertained during flights

As a mum, there’s nothing worse than being on a long flight with a bored and fussy child. But don’t worry – there is hope! This blog post will give you some tips and tricks on how to keep your kids entertained on flights. From watching movies to playing games, down below is everything you need to know. So sit back, relax, and enjoy your flight!


Download some movies

The first step is to make sure you have some movies downloaded on your phone, tablet, or laptop. This will come in handy when your child gets bored and needs something to watch. Then, you can either download their favourite movies or TV shows or find some new ones that they’ll enjoy. Suppose you don’t have any movies downloaded, no problem! There are plenty of websites where you can stream movies for free. Just do a quick search, and you’ll find tons of options.

Pack enough snacks and drinks

Next, you’ll want to make sure you have enough snacks and drinks for the flight. This is especially important if you have a picky eater or if your child gets cranky when they’re hungry. Pack plenty of snacks that will tide them over until the plane lands.

And don’t forget to pack some drinks too! Water is always a good option, but you can also bring along some juice boxes or other kid-friendly beverages. Packing food and drinks will help keep your child happy and occupied during the flight. Some great snack options include:

  • Fruit snacks
  • Pretzels
  • Cheese sticks
  • Popcorn
  • Goldfish crackers
  • Animal crackers
  • Granola bars
  • Raisins
  • Yoghourt melts

These are just a few ideas – you can really pack anything that your child likes to eat. Just make sure you have enough to last the entire flight! Another plus of packing your own snacks is that it’s usually cheaper than buying food on the plane. And let’s be honest, aeroplane food can be pretty gross anyway. So save yourself some money and pack your own snacks from home.

Remember some games and activities

In addition to movies and snacks, you’ll also want to pack some games and activities to keep your child entertained. This can be anything from colouring books and crayons to small toys and online games such as Drift Hunters. If you’re not sure what to bring, just think about what your child likes to do for fun at home. Chances are, they’ll enjoy doing the same things on the plane! Some great activity ideas include:

  • Colouring books
  • Sticker books
  • Word searches
  • Crossword puzzles
  • Mad Libs
  • Travel games (like Tic Tac Toe or Hangman)

Again, these are just a few ideas – use your imagination and pack whatever you think will keep your child occupied during the flight.

 Bring along a comfort item

For some kids, having a favourite stuffed animal or blanket can make all the difference on a flight. So if your child has a special toy that they love, be sure to pack it in their carry-on bag. This will help them feel comfortable and relaxed during the flight.

A comfort item can also be useful if your child gets scared or anxious during takeoff or landing. Having their favourite stuffed animal to hold onto will help ease their fears and make the experience more enjoyable for everyone.

So there you have it – everything you need to know about keeping your kids entertained on flights! Just remember to download some movies, pack plenty of snacks and drinks, bring along some games and activities, and don’t forget their favourite comfort item. With these tips, you’ll be sure to have a smooth and enjoyable flight! Thanks for reading, and happy travels!

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