
How to keep your home safe from break-ins

Your house is your perfect sanctuary, and you’ll want to do all necessary to keep thieves, vandals, and other harmful home invaders out. However, protecting your house and family does not need to be difficult. Here are some tried-and-true methods for protecting your house from intruders. Read on to find out more.


Security Screens

Security screens come in a variety of sizes and have been carefully developed to be exceptionally sturdy for deterring break-ins. The best screens on the marketplace are cut-resistant and can endure the impact of baseball bats, clubs, and rocks. Some security screens can even withstand bullets fired from firearms. Most security screens are now intended to fit in with all building’s exterior layouts, preserving the beautiful aspect of your property without sacrificing quality.

 Security Shutters

Another technique to keep burglars out of your home is to utilise security shutters as window covers. Many of the best shutters are designed to roll down over windows and be lifted as needed. Some security shutters are motorised and can be lowered or lifted by pressing a button. In addition to keeping your house safer, these shutters may help you save money on electricity and help by blocking out unwanted sunlight. On top of that, these shutters can guard against more than simply criminals since they are often designed to defend against hurricane-thrown debris.

 Use smart locks

These cutting-edge locks provide advanced protection for homes and businesses. You can buy smart locks with keyless access that enable you to lock and unlock them using Bluetooth technology. Instead of keys, some smart locks employ fingerprints, face recognition, or keypads. Regardless of the sort of locks you choose, if you ever have difficulties getting into your house, you can always contact a locksmith service such as Vic-Locks Locksmith, who will help you get back inside. The most effective thing you can do is have a locksmith install the system in the first place, guaranteeing that you have access to a specialist experienced with that specific system.

Motion sensor lights

Motion sensor lights are available for both indoor and outdoor use, and they automatically come on when someone walks by. Certain lights can detect when a human approaches within fifteen feet. It’s possible to use motion-activated lights in any section of your home, including the halls, bedrooms, and closets, as well as outside. Several lights come with long-lasting bulbs made of environmentally safe materials. A gunshot or baseball bat won’t stop these lights, but thieves who don’t want to attract attention as they approach your house may be deterred by motion-activated lighting.

 Keep valuables out of sight

Burglars have an easier time scouting your house if your blinds are open during the day, and they can see computers, tablets, and precious jewellery. In order to keep your valuables out of the hands of would-be thieves, the best strategy is to keep them out of public sight. Thieves are more likely to break into your house if you leave valuables like jewellery, electronics, or cash out in the open, making your home a more attractive target.

Leaving a large digital footprint has the same effect. In many cases, burglaries are well planned, and social media is a great tool for criminals to obtain access to your personal information. Sharing your location when you’re out and about might identify you as a potential victim, so be sure you’ve checked your privacy settings before publishing.

 Get a cage for your letterbox

Many individuals keep their keys by the front door, so they can leave quickly when they need to – perhaps you do the same – but there is a problem with that, and it’s known as ‘mailbox fishing’. A pole is inserted through the mailbox, allowing the thieves to reach up and grab the keys to the home or car. If you keep your purse near the front entrance, you run the risk of it being targeted in the same manner. Make sure everything is kept out of reach of anyone trying to do this, but ensure it’s in a safe place where you and all other family members can get to it right away when it’s needed, especially in an emergency situation.

Take photos of every room

In preparation for a possible burglary, it’s a good idea to photograph every area in your home, noting any important objects as you go. Not only is this information necessary to have on file for the benefit of the insurance company in the case of a robbery, but it may help the police identify any lost things.

When a burglar steals from a home, they usually make a big mess. This isn’t just because they’re in a hurry or they’re being malicious; it’s so you don’t realise what’s missing right away, giving them more of a chance to sell the item on without being caught. The sooner you can spot what’s gone, the better chance you have of getting it back.

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